James Potter's younger sister

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Y/n Potter was a Gryfffindor just as her brother. That was one of the only things they had in common. While Y/n was studious and cared about her grades James left his work till the last minute. James was outgoing and confident and Y/n was shy and nerdy. Y/n had light brown hair that was always kept neat and tidy and she had perfect eyesight. James had messy black hair and he had circular glasses. He was one of the most popular kids in schools and she was a wallflower who hung out with her brother and that's all. Entering her third year with James entering his fourth, Y/n didn't know what was to come this year.
Time skip to where they're getting on the train*
"All aboard," the gruff voice of the conductor yelled.
"Bye kids we love you both. Have a great school year. James no trouble, and Y/n dear try to make some friends," Euphemia said sweetly.
"Come on Y/n we don't want to be late," James said.
"S-since wh-when d-d-do you c-care ab-about school," Y/n stuttered out.
James let out a loud laugh. "Since you agreed to sit with me and my friends on the train ride to school." James said.
"O-oh you re-remember that," Y/n stuttered sadly.
"Yeah I do remember. Now come on we don't want the train to leave without us," James said with a grin plastered on his face permanently. As they neared the compartment Y/n started getting nervous. James noticed and whispered softly "It'll be ok, they're not bad people." They entered the compartment and were met with the sight of here boys. Y/n tried to make a dash for it but James grabbed her wrist and pulled her back in. The boys all laughed at the disappointed expression on her face. "Y/n these are my best friends. This is Sirius, Remus and Peter," he said pointing at each boy. Sirius had long black hair and a flirtatious smile. Remus had scars all over his face and a kind smile. Peter had mouselike features and was on the chubby side. Remus was sitting next to Peter with the window by his side while on the other row Sirius was sat by the window and James took the middle seat. James pulled her down next to him and rubbed soothing circles on her back. Y/n pulled out a book while the boys conversed.
"What about you Y/n," Remus asked.
"W-wh-what," Y/n asked shyly.
"What was your favorite thing you did over the summer," Remus asked kindly.
"O-oh I guess i-it would h-have t-to be planting in my garden. Herbology is my favorite subject and I'm the green thumb in the family," Y/n spoke with more confidence in her tone since she was talking about one of her favorite things. As Sirius enters the compartment having just changed into his robes but sporting a leather jacket with it and a half tied tie, James, Remus, and Peter get up to go change into theirs.
"Y/n, will you be ok here without me," James asked with sincerity in his voice.
As Y/n was about to shake her head no Sirius interrupted and said "Don't worry mate it takes five minutes to change she'll be fine with me." James nodded and left. Y/n felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked over and saw Sirius.
"I don't bite you know. You look pretty tired too. You should take a nap before we go to Hogwarts so you're not tired. I heard I'm a great pillow and you're already in your robes," Sirius suggested. When Y/n made no attempt at moving Sirius scooted over and gently guided her head on to his chest and wrapped a protective arm around her. A few moments later he looked down and saw her sleeping peacefully. When the guys came back from changing Sirius motioned to be quiet to not wake the sleeping girl.
Time Skip to the middle of the year*
Y/n's worst nightmare has arrived. James is forcing her to go the the Winter Ball. Y/n already knew that Sirius and Remus were going together. James and Peter both had dates too. That meant Y/n had four options; be the weird girl and have her brother as a "date", fake sick to get out of the dance, go alone, or find a date. Only one of these options sounded pleasing but James can read through her so that was off the table. Mum had already sent her a dress which was gorgeous and a matching pair of shoes. Y/n was all set and all she needed was a date. It was quite surprising when Lucius Malfoy asked her out. Y/n had never met Lucius so she didn't know why her brother and his friends were so upset. They started pranking him which got her mad. Y/n went to go and confront the so called marauders.
"Why are you pranking Lucius," Y/n asked.
"Y/n, love he's a bad person," Sirius said.
"How is he a bad person? He's done nothing wrong to me, he's very sweet and kind," Y/n rebutted.
"Yeah to you Y/n. He's a snake for goodness sake. He hates anyone who doesn't support his views of muggleborns and halfbloods. And he thinks he's better than everyone else," James cried out.
"I don't t believe you," Y/n said.
"Then we'll show you," James said. The marauders and Y/n we're making their way down the corridors when they saw Lucius and his friends bullying another kid. Y/n ran right up to him and slapped him across the face.
"You're a real mean person, you know that Lucius. Forget the dance I'm not gong with someone who thinks they're better than everyone else," Y/n said walking away, not giving Lucius a chance to respond. She walked right past the marauders too and straight to her dorm room. She let out a good long cry because a guy she actually liked turned out to be a jerk.
*The day of the dance*
Y/n got ready rather quickly having her makeup and hair routine down to an hour combined. And everything else didn't take long to do. Then came the part she was dreading the most. It's not the fact that she didn't have a date, it was the fact that she would be standing out by not having a date. She could always hang out with Lily Evans and her friends. When she walked downstairs though she was surprised to see her brother all by himself waiting at the bottom of the stairs. She came down and asked him where his date was.
"Y/n you can't be that thick. I broke it off with my date so I could go to the dance with you. I saw how happy you were with Lucius and felt bad so I decided to take you. We can do it like we do at all of the fancy parties we attend to," James said
"Oh James why would you break things off with your date though," Y/n asked feeling bad.
"I would gladly spend a night with my little sister then a girl who was just trying to get some attention. At least with you I have a good time" James said. "After you Milady," James spoke with a posh accent.
"Oh thank you kind sir," Y/n spoke equally posh.
That night the Potter siblings and the marauders had the time of their lives at the Winter Ball.

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