Part 29

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It's been almost 2 weeks since Emily was kidnapped Mattias going crazy without her he's been having more dreams which makes it an even longer time to be away from Emily

He's dreamed about her a few times but then he wakes up and realizes it wasn't real

M: mama papa I'm going out again

Giac: where are you going this time

M: I can't stop looking for her I think I know where she is now she posted a tik tok and showed where she was the comments said it looked like a specific place and I found the location so I'm gonna go look

Mati: I don't think that's such a good idea let the police-

M: the police haven't done shit yet!

Giac: okay okay calm down you can go just be careful okay?

M: okay thanks love you bye

Mattia left he drove 2 hours to his location when he got there trees were all around him, he saw a tiny door in the ground it was obvious it was supposed to look hidden

He opened it then went it he got hit with a horrible smell And the sound of a kid crying
He jumped in and saw Sabrina laying on a bed but didn't see Emily yet

He quickly rushed over to Sabrina to see if she was okay

Sa: mattia!

M: hey where's Emily

She pointed to the floor in the crack of the bed

Sa: she fell threw when she was sleeping

Mattia moved the bed and saw Emily she looked like skin and bone as if she hadn't ate in days

M: Emily!... Emily?

He got her on the bed but she didn't wake up she was still breathing though

M: where's jack?

Sa: he's under the blanket sleep please don't wake him up

Mattia quickly called the police and told them the location

Mattia quietly walked over to jack and lifted the blanket he saw the bullet hole in his forehead and put the blanket back down then ran to the sink and puked

Sa: are you okay dino

M: yeah I'm fine what happened?

Sa: jack took me away from me mommy and daddy but Emily's been here with me the whole time. I'm hungry can we go to McDonald's

M: sure later though

Mattia heard sirens

Sa: why are you crying?

M: these are Happy tears I missed you guys that's all

The police came in and saw mattia holding emily in his arms and Sabrina on Emily lap

They took Emily away in the ambulance and Sabrina got to go home to her parents after being questioned

Police: this body has been dead for about a week

Police and detectives flooded the place and kicked mattia out but he was already about to leave so he could meet Emily at the hospital

While he was in the waiting room he texted everyone and told them to come to the hospital they all arrived confused on why he wanted them to come

A: hey what happened?

M: I found Emily!

everyone got Happy and excited Alejandro Kairi Taylor Vic Betty Alfred Adam and Mattia family was there

Ad: is she okay?

M: I'm not sure she was unconscious when I found her she looked dead but she was still breathing

K: what happened?

M: I'm not sure about that either but when I found her Sabrina was all alone on the bed crying Emily was on the floor passed out and Jack was in the other bed already dead shot in the forehead about a week ago I don't think Emily's had any food but Sabrina had food on the bed when I found her

Ad: well when can we see her?

M: I don't know yet I'm still waiting

K: god I've missed her so much

M: I didn't even invite you why are you here

A: I told him because she's his friend to and you guys need to make up

M: he's a two-faced snake fake ass friend he stabbed me in the back

K: we didn't even actually sleep together I already apologized I can't help that I like her but I'd never actually date her

M: but you'd fuck her

K: i-

The doctors came out

Doctor: hello are you Emily family?

Betty: yes we are

Doctor: alright only her family come on back with me

Betty Alfred and Adam w followed the doctor even though mattia isn't family Betty told him to come anyways

They walked into a room and saw Emily laying in the hospital bed hooked up to the monitor

Doc: she's in critical condition but will make it out she's suffered alot of head trauma so she may not remember things or even people she'll mostly forget about stuff that's happened within this year she has alot of drugs in her system right now and is very week so she's going to stay a few days here until she's stronger

M: when will she wake up?

Doc: anytime now and because of her fear of people I'd like for only one person to be here when she wakes up I know she isn't afraid anymore but she may be traumatized so just in case

B: who wants to stay?


Adam and Mattia said at the same time

M: oh sorry you can stay I forgot she hasn't seen you in years it'll be nice for her to wake up and you're here

Ad: yeah thanks for understanding but I'll tell you how she is if you can't see her today

M: thanks man

They all left expect for Adam and soon Emily woke up

E: am I dead?

Ad: no you're still alive I'm actually here

Emily reached her arm out to see if he was actually real or if she was hallucinating from drugs still

E: I missed you so much

Ad: I missed you to sorry for leaving but when I turned 18 I had to leave or else I'd get more into drugs and gang stuff and I actually wanted ba life so yeah sorry

E: it's fine I understand but how's life?

Ad: great I've been living in new York and believe it or not I have a wife and we're planning on having kids

E: oh my God that's great what do you do for a living?

Ad: I'm an orthopedic surgeon

E: cool I bet you make alot of money

Ad: I do but how have you been what happened to dad? I feel so bad for never checking up on you

E: it's all cool I understand he left for Italy almost 2 years ago and left me behind so I got into the hospital because before he left he ordered his hit man to kill me it took a turn he ended up keeping me he was so fucking weird I eventually shot him and then I got submitted to the hospital I got the fear of people after what I saw staying with him I thought all the shit with dad was bad I was terrified living with the hit man and when jack kidnapped me it felt like it was all happening all over again

Ad: fuck that's horrible I'm sorry but I'll be here with you for a while since my wife Vanessa when on a trip to see her grandparents

E: yay

Ad: but anyways how are you and Mattia

He wiggled his eyebrows

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