Chapter 1:

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I'll laugh as I nod my head signing the contract for the new building on the west side of Atlanta. I'm only 22 and a multimillionaire with 14 houses and a bunch of businesses.

And I'm also a princess. Yeah yeah, spoiled brat whatever. Not literally. I'm not as much as spoiled. My past is kinda.. messed up. At least what I remember. Whatever it doesn't matter. At least that's what I think.

I have a half sister named Riya. She's amazing. And she has a really big part in my life at least. She's never left my side according to my step mother.

"Moonlight? Moonlight!!" Said one of my workers for me. I'll snap back into reality and smile softly. "Yes yes? What? What's wrong..?" I'll ask a bit worried by the tone they gave me. "Oh, hey. Nothing it's just these paperwork's are done and you have a meeting tonight." She'll smile as she handed me the paperwork and headed back to her place. I'll grab them and set them down on my desk and look through them.

Seems funny? Yeah.. some of these paperwork are not finished.. and I just signed the contract for the building. It better not be a scam.. 65% of my earnings are going to this new company. You might be wondering; well what's the business?

I'm working on making a new company for women who are writing. It's just for women to get promoted. And make their book the biggest hit ever. At least some.

But these paperwork seems sketchy I should look through them before getting into a whole huge scandal. I'll get a call from Ethan. He's my ex. He cheated on me with my best friend. Ill groan as I pick up and listen.

- On the call -
"Moonlight Carrington how may I help you?" I'll sound annyoed.  He'll sigh as he starts talking. "Moonlight can we talk? Especially about the building you were going to design for me?"

- Moonlights mind -
This boy still thinks I'm going to build him his building? After what he did? He's crazy. Whatever let me make it specifically clear it's not going to work.

- on call -
"Ok.. do you think I'm going to build you, your building after what you did to me. No I'm not building you, your building after what happened??" I'll be pissed off. He'll be pissed of at the sounds of me not giving in. "Moonlight! Just do it for sake. We don't have to talk just do it for me. Please." He'll scream across the call as I roll my eyes and hang up on him-

What a scumbag for sure. Whatever I must head to my car and go home to James. James is my husband. Me and him met 5 years ago at a party. He's been always there for me since 10th grade. Me and he dated once and broken up but broke up for apparent reason. But we're a healthy couple. I love him very much.

I would get in my car and start driving home. On the way home I start crying. It hurts think how they hurt me. Was I really that boring? Did I not grab his attention? I love Ethan so bad he's my childhood bestie and been there for me since birth.. what the heck. And then Kyle betrays me. He's known me longer then Ethan. Ethan told me I got stolen from him and I didn't remember him anymore.. and that's when I met kyle. and I love Kyle but it hurts how bad he hurt me. And yet I'm hurt when that was 4 years ago. Oh wow.. it hurts everything hurts..

Everything went black.. all I saw and heard was ambulances and people screaming.. I got in a accident what? Wait... what's going on? Help me!!
..... hello...?

I can't feel myself.. where am I..?

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