Competition Day: +11

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Why the Olympic committee separated the park and street contests a full eleven days apart, Zayn had no idea. It seemed like practically every other sport competed one event after another, but apparently the skateboarding organizers didn't get the memo. When he found out that Louis was going to compete first so far in advance of Zayn, he had mixed feelings.

On the one hand, he was overjoyed that he could have more time to perfect the tricks he was planning on performing, but on the other, he wished he could just get it over with and not have another week and a half for his nerves to compound on top of themselves.

Whichever way he wanted to look at it, it didn't matter. He was stood in the coaches area with the whole seven person GB team, like it or not. They'd all been at the arena since seven, making sure Louis had everything he needed and adequate enough time to warm up for the 9AM heats, but just being this close to the course, even though it was the park section, had Zayn feeling nervous. Unlike his street counterpart, Louis fed off the fear of losing. What Zayn would give for such superpower.

Four hours later, and Zayn's got his arms crossed in anticipation, watching with bated breath as his friend lets his weight pull him down into the bowl for the last time since making it to the top eight. The boy's in fifth place, leaving everyone to know that he's got to pull something out of the bag if he stands any chance of making it to the podium. So when he lands a massive 540, Zayn erupts in cheers, shaking Niall's shoulders in excitement at what Louis' just managed to do. They continue to hoot and holler for the remainder of the forty-five second run, Camden the only one out of the remaining three to understand the enormity of what the skater's just pulled off.

As Louis finishes, a few other competing skaters take their boards and walk up to the edge of the bowl, slapping them against the rim in respect at how insane the performance turned out. By the time Louis makes it out and over to where the group was, the 95.53 score is illuminated on the screens plastered everywhere in the venue.

Louis barely has time to process anything before Niall and Zayn are screaming and jostling him like mad at the score that's now put him in second place. There are still three people after him, but they can't compare, and it's all blurry eyes and excited chanting once Louis takes his spot on the podium's second step, bowing his head for the silver medal to be placed around his neck.

For the rest of the afternoon, Louis' pulled into a million different directions by fans, interviewers, fellow skaters, the lot. And Zayn's genuinely, truly happy for his friend. Not only does he deserve it, but outrightly earned it, and nothing could be more gratifying to witness.

They all head to the Coca Cola after party in Shibuya after an extremely emotional dinner with Louis' sisters who flew over to watch him, but history repeats itself as Zayn finds himself alone with Liam after losing Niall in the crowd (Zayn's convinced it's not on accident) and being ditched by the newlywed couple.

He's not complaining though. The two had another night of tipsy dancing to themselves, and walking the streets of Tokyo at 2AM had a romantic vibe to it that's growing on Zayn at a rapid speed.

"So do you like Tokyo so far?" He finds himself asking, body temperature only slightly elevated from the alcohol coursing through him, since the humidity went away with the sun.

"Like would be an understatement," Liam answers without hesitation, hands in his light wash jeans, the material clinging to his legs in a way that accentuated the definition that came from being a runner. The fit definitely didn't go unnoticed by Zayn, and he made sure to let his eyes linger selfishly any time the other went to get them drinks during the night because of it.

A group of girls were coming straight for the two, clinging to each other for stability from either their high heels or from just coming out of a club where they seemed to have had a very good time, Zayn couldn't tell. To avoid forcing them to break their hold, he veers away from Liam until they pass in between the path made.

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