Chapter 1 | Bad Luck

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(Name) POV-

Time wizzed past me. It has been 1 hour after school, yet I'm still sitting at this desk. My eyes scanned the page. I was reading a book. I absorbed information about illness and anatomy like soil absorbs water. My mind was completely focused on reading. Until my book was swiftly taken. I looked up from the desk. It was (Bully's Name) and her friends.

"Watcha' reading there?" (Bully's Name) said in her usual annoying voice. The muscles in my body tensed. A drop of sweat rolled down my head. (Bully's Name) closed the book and scanned the cover.

"Human Anatomy? Seriously?" One of the other girls scoffed. (Bully's Name) laughed.

"What a geek!" They spoke as if I wasn't here. By now I've had enough.

"Okay, you've had your fun. Now give it back." I demanded, reaching my hand out for the book. The girls glared at me.

"Who the hell do you think you are!?" (Bully's Name) grabbed my wrist and tugged it forward. My eyebrows furrowed.

"Don't talk to me like that!" She pulled me out of my chair and onto the floor. My body slid across the rough surface of the carpet, instantly giving me a rug-burn. Once I got to my knees I turned my head. A hard force was slammed down on my back. (Bully's Name) was stepping on me. In the corner of my eye I could see a gleaming object in her hand. Panic took over my body, I grabbed her ankle and dug my nails into her flesh. She yelped and dropped the object. It nearly missed my body. I shook her leg until she fell backwards. I took the opportunity and ran. I ran out of the school and through the woods. The woods were like my own personal short-cut. A short-cut to the hell I call home. Once I reached my house I opened the door and stepped inside. My brother was standing at the door, tapping his foot against the wood flooring.

"Where the hell were you?" He growled. I gulped.

"S-sorry, I got held up at school." I spoke quickly. The tall boy shook his head.

"Yeah right. Go to your room, my friends are coming over." Without missing a beat I took off my shoes and sprinted to my bedroom. I shut and locked the door. I don't want to explain the things they do to me when my parents aren't around, but if I ever forget to leave my door locked, It'll be hell for me. I sat down at my desk. Paper, pens and flasks surrounded me. My messy workspace covered the actual desk from head-to-toe. I took the concoction I had made the night before and poured it into a syringe. Rolling my chair over to the cage where my mice were peacefully sleeping, I took one out and placed it on a small tray. The mouse seemed frozen on the tray. Fear was remnant in his eyes. With my free hand I grabbed a Microscope and placed the tray onto it. By this point it was almost a routine. Fill the syringe, get the mouse, put it on a tray, put the tray on the microscope, put the microscope on the desk, put gloves on, and inject the mouse. By the time I had put the gloves on, the mouse started to freak out. Quickly I pinned the rodent down and injected it. The mouse's body began to cripple, I could see all of it's bones dissolve inside of itself. Not before long the mouse's body decomposed. I was absolutely shocked. I looked through the scope. What I saw was absolutely unpredictable. The poison burned through the cells like acid. I put the rest of the poison into the flask and put it back in the flask holder. In the distance I could hear the door open. I assumed it was (Brother's Name)'s friends.

"Yo wassup man?"

"Nothin' much you?"

"Same here, How's your sibling?"

"Bruh they are so annoying. They're such a bitch." Those words struck me in the heart. Footsteps approached my door. I gulped. They banged on the door. A scream escaped my lips. They all laughed. The doorknob turned, but the lock stopped it. A growl resonated from my brother. He shook the doorknob, relentlessly trying to turn it.

"Open the door (Name)!" My brother screamed.

"G-Go away!" I cried. Suddenly a loud bang sounded at the door. They were trying to kick the door down. Without thinking twice, I grabbed a bag and threw stuff into it. For some reason I put a syringe in the bag and the poison. I slipped the straps through my arms and ran to the window. I unlocked it and tried to lift it. But it didn't open. 'Shit! The window's jammed!'. Hurriedly I forced the window open. Just in time for my door lock to finally give out and break. Willingly I jumped out the window. Once my feet touched the ground I ran for it. I ran into the woods and didn't stop. My legs grew tired and I ended up falling on the ground from exhaustion. I managed to crawl off the path and to a tree. I lifted myself and sat up. my back fell against the tree.

My eyes closed just to open again to any noise. Whether it be wood-peckers, bushes shifting or even crickets. I felt like something was watching me. The hairs on the back of my neck would stand and dance in the breeze, sending shivers down my spine. Eventually everything went silent. And I passed out.

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