Chapter 23 | Poster

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"(Name), Toby, X-Virus, come back to my office." Slenderman's voice echoed loudly in my mind. I put down the pen and closed my journal, then made my way downstairs. X-Virus and Toby were behind me as we almost ran through the halls and back to Slenderman's office. I knocked on the door, "Come in." I opened the door. Slenderman was obviously irritated, but it wasn't anything to dwell on now. "As you all know, the ball the Splendorman holds is going to come up soon. So, I will send you out to prepare. That is your punishment." Slender said in a calm tone. Toby sighed, as did X-Virus, "Alright, w-we'll come b-b-back when *Tic* we've finished." Toby said with a slightly agitated voice. With that we all silently left and somehow gathered everyone in the living room, "Alright, *Tic* Slender left m-me, X-Virus and (N-N-Name) in charge. *Tic*." Toby announced, Masky scoffed, "Brilliant." he muttered sarcastically. X-Virus sighed, "Were all going out, so get ready, cover up your shit and meet us outside." X-Virus demanded. My eyes slightly widened at the new tone, 'Wow, that's leadership for yah.' I thought to myself. Everyone left for their rooms, including me to get changed. I did brushed out my hair and put on a coat, since it was getting a bit chilly. I left and headed outside, I was the only one there. I sighed and sat down on the bench and patiently waited. Sooner than later X-Virus came outside and spotted me, "That was quick." He said with a smirk, now visible without the large gas mask. I smiled slightly, "Same goes for you." I said smugly. X-Virus chuckled, "Well played." X-Virus moved out of the door way and leaned against the wall. X-Virus sighed, "Just a fair warning, this is going to suck." X-Virus joked with a hint of sternness in his voice. A nervous chuckled tickled the back of my throat. "Hey, (Name)." X-Virus said suddenly, I hummed in response, "Mind doing me a favor?" X-Virus asked with a grin. I shook my head, "No, not at all." I said calmly, "Good, cause I want to get to know you more." X-Virus said bluntly. Unintentionally, I raised and eyebrow. "What do you mean?" I asked, X-Virus had a smug look on his face. "As friends, will you-" The door swung wide open to reveal Jane, she had a cap on and a black sweater. She also wore jean shorts with thigh high white socks and black converse, she styled her hair in such a way that it covered her eyes just enough that it looked like a shadow over her eyes instead of pure black eyeballs. "Sorry, I didn't mean to open the door like that." Jane said apologetically. X-Virus shook his head, "It's fine, just don't break it." he joked. I noticed a slight scowl on Jane's face, jealousy? A small and brief breeze brushed past me, forcing hair in front of my face. One of the hair's that were now in front of my eyes poked me right in the center of my (Eye Color) orbs. My body winced at the sudden contact and I pulled my hair back behind my ears. Jane giggled before walking up to me and pulling off a hair tie off her wrist. "Here, this should help." Carefully, Jane tied my hair into a ponytail (If you have short hair then she styled your hair in a way so that it wouldn't fall into your face). It was tight and kind of hurt but it got the job done. "Thanks Jane." I said with a smile, Jane nodded, "Of course!". The door swung open once again, to reveal everyone else coming out. X-Virus straightened his posture and turned to the rest of the chaotic crowd, "Is everyone ready?" X-Virus asked. Suicide Sadie nodded, "Yup, were all ready." she said in her usual monotone voice. "Then let's get going." X-Virus said, already walking off. We all followed him and I started to notice everyone else's outfit choice, Jeff had a mask on and his usual white hoodie but it was cleaned. Sally wore a sun hat with a fixed up and clean pink dress, and bandages on her arms and legs. Then I noticed someone I hadn't met before, a girl with a surgical mask and long wavy brown hair that covered one of her eyes. She had a leather jacket and sports bra on with baggy jeans and converse. Meekly, I approached her with a nervous smile. "Excuse me." I said quietly, the woman turned to me with cold yet bright emerald eyes. She hummed, "I don't think we've met before, I'm (Name)." I introduced. The woman seemed a bit agitated by my sudden approach and her eyes narrowed, "Clockwork, and I prefer to not be spoken to by an overly friendly girl." She threatened with a deadpanned tone. My body jumped faintly. I retreated back into the crowd and stuffed my hands in my pockets. As I looked around I noticed something. Laughing Jack wasn't with us. I turned to Sadie with a slightly confused look on my face, "Hey Sadie, why isn't LJ here?" I asked. Sadie looked at me with an amused look in her eyes, "He's on a mission, plus I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be able to blend in very well with his characteristics." Sadie answered. Let's see... Cone nose, paper white skin, freakishly tall, sharp teeth and black claws, yeah now it made sense. I giggled slightly, "Yeah, that makes sense now." I said with a small smile of embarrassment for my stupid question. The conversation led no further and before we knew it we were all walking on the side walk of a city I've never seen before. People gave us second glances, but always turned away since almost all of us look like teenagers. My eyes wondered around the walls of buildings and occasionally looking through the windows of small knick-knack shops. My enjoyment of the contact with the bright sun and busy streets soon ended when I spotted a very peculiar poster. It was a missing person's poster. When I got a closer look I realized it was mine. (First Name) (Last Name), Age, (Your Age) last seen, February 4th, (Home Town). Was all that I could see at the top and written in big bold letters at the bottom of the poster was the reward. 5,000 dollars just to find me. I gulped and tried my best to hide myself within the pasta's. Something nudged against my arm. I turned and saw Jeff with slightly furrowed eyebrows, "Is that you?" he asked. He pointed over to the poster that I was looking at just moments before, I nodded wordlessly. Jeff sighed, "Hold on, Masky or Hoodie should have some spare masks." Jeff said, quickly disappearing into the others. After a few minutes Jeff came back and handed me a black face mask, "Here, this'll keep your face partly hidden." Hastily, I took the mask and wrapped it around my face. Now I was paranoid. I kept glancing at the passing faces hoping that they wouldn't notice me or call the police. "Alright gang. Were here."  X-Virus announced. I looked in front of me and there was a giant mall standing before us.

Venomous Cure (X-Virus x Fem!Reader) UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now