Chapter 2 | An Unexpected Encounter

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My eyes fluttered open. It was dark. Darker than I expected. I took off my bag and grabbed my phone. I tried to turn it on but it didn't. It would not turn on. A sigh escaped my lips. Once my eyes adjusted I noticed something. The forest wasn't the same. A shiver went down my spine. I swung my backpack back through my arms and got up. My eyes could barely see in the dark. Though they were adjusted it barely helped. Despite this, I made my way down the path, hoping to find home. After a few seconds that wish sunk in. Do I really want to go back? The world is sick and so scary. Why would I want to go back?

I snapped out of my trance and continued on. As I walked through the darkness, I heard eerie noises. Footsteps could barely be heard in the distance. When I would stop, they stopped too. Every time it sent shivers down my spine. Fear finally got to me and I filled up a syringe with my newest concoction. I held onto it like a lifeline. The purple, fizzy liquid seemed to glow in the dark. Suddenly footsteps were swiftly headed in my direction. I turned around. Someone with a gas mask and blue goggles was sprinting at me, holding his own syringe. Before I could react he pinned me down. My body hit the ground hard. My hand released the syringe. The person put the syringe to my left arm. His other held me down by my neck, choking me. I was so scared. I tried to reach for my syringe. My arm quivered as I stretched it farther and farther. Finally I reached it and grabbed it. I lifted my arm up and swung it down, ready to stab them. The person winced and jumped back. My heart was going a mile a minute. I sat up and held the syringe tightly. My attacker stood up and calmly walked closer to me. My body tensed up.

"G-get away!" I yelled, trying to back away. My back hit a tree. I felt my heart sink. Shaking, I watched as the person approached me. They were now right in front of me. Just looming over me. I couldn't get a grip on if they wanted to kill me, or keep me alive.

"Who are you and what do you want?" My voice almost broke. The person chuckled. The voice was deepened and slightly muffled by the gas mask.

"Well aren't you curious." He spoke. His voice was sarcastic, it made me irritated.

"My name is X-Virus. And you?" He held his hand out to me, offering to help me up.

"I'm (Name)." I said softly. I refused to take his hand and stood up myself. His friendly behavior didn't settle right with me.

"Why so tense? If I was going to kill you, I would have done it already." X-Virus crossed his arms. I didn't say anything back. My body was shaking and my mouth was sewn shut by fear.

"Hey, X-Virus! Did you *Tic* find em' yet?" A voice called from the seemingly endless void of trees.

"Yeah! Where over here!" X-Virus replied. A boy wearing a strange hoodie and amber goggles appeared from the darkness. His mouth guard was stained with some sort of reddish-brown patches.

"Finally. Tha- *Tic* that took forever." The boy complained. X-Virus nodded.

"Agreed. This is (Name) by the way." The twitching boy walked up to me.

"I'm T-Toby. It's nice- *Tic* to meet you." The boy, now known as Toby, said in a friendly tone of voice. I nodded, but kept silent.

"So your th-the quiet type." Toby observed.

"We should get going." X-Virus said, beginning to walk away. Toby followed. As did I. The air was tense and the forest was quiet.

"Let's *Tic* play 20 questions!" Toby spoke up, trying to lighten the mood.

"Sure, I'm sure (Name) has a lot of questions" X-Virus gave me the side eye. Toby turned around and began to walk backwards.

"I'm going first!" Toby said excitedly.

"So (Name), what kind of poisons do you make?" Toby asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nice one!" X-Virus commented.

"Well, I don't usually make poisons. I just happened to accidentally make one this time around." I answered, looking at Toby and X-Virus.

"I actually try to make medicines and cures for sicknesses." I continued. X-Virus peaked interest.

"I'll go next, what does this poison do exactly?" He asked, obviously curious of its destructive power.

"I don't really know... When I experimented with it all of the cells were gone. And the body of the mouse crippled into itself." My fear had faded away a little bit. It was even remnant in my voice.

"Alright, my turn. Where are we going?" I asked. Toby turned back around and thought for a moment.

"The boss didn't- *Tic* give speci-ics, but he said something about p-potential." Toby replied, his voice a bit more unsure than I would prefer.

"My turn again, what's your view on life?" Toby asked, looking back at me. 'Woah, loaded questions now...' I looked down.

"It makes me sick." I dead-panned. Toby and X-Virus seemed surprised by my answer.

"Keep that mentality up and you'll fit right in." Said X-Virus. My head lifted and my eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Sorry, not your turn~." X-Virus teased. A growl escaped my lips.

"Why'd you run away from home?" X-Virus asked. My eyes widened in shock.

"How did you know?!" I yelped.

"Our boss told us." X-Virus said in a calm voice. A nervous sweat dripped down my cheek.

"Because my brother.." I paused, choking on my own words. The two guy's anticipated my reply.

"My brother and his friends were going to beat me... So I jumped out my bedroom window to get away." The flashbacks started to pop into my head. The fear and pain still lingered in my heart.

"Try not to think about that. It'll help." X-Virus advised. I nodded. My lip quivered. The rest of the walk was quiet. Until the two boys stopped.

"Were here!" Toby announced. I looked up to see a large cabin. It didn't look too shabby. But it did look pretty old.

"We should head inside, it's colder than death"

Venomous Cure (X-Virus x Fem!Reader) UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now