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As I neared the pack territory ,I observed their patrol . It was changing after one hour and the guards reach their new station in five minutes top . I can move fast in those five minutes and I may get inside the pack .

"Let's teach this bastard a lesson." With that I waited for the patrol change and took my chances .

My scent was still cloaked so no wolf could sniff me out but only my  high rankers. And if they do it will smell that mint soap I used for bathing today. I moved from one tree to the other avoiding twigs and dry leaves .

If I wasn't an Alpha ,I think I would have made a great spy or detective . I chuckled to that thought .

By the time the five minutes were up I was at the treelines near the packs  town . I shifted back to my human form . I look at the clothes which are covering me up ,which still surprise me every time. I always wonder where they go ,but that's a thought for another day .

I started walking towards the center of the pack which was always where there was always a podium .

As I passed by some the pack members ,some had disgusted in their faces . Some just literally glared while others stared . A few of them were kind hearted . Some even offered me clothes and food but I just declined it .

I know what they see . They see a dirty, scary  girl walking on their perfect well polished pavements . They see me as a rouge but they don't get that stinky smell ,which smells like a wet dog . That's how rouges smell.  Yes I can pretend to be a rouge but that's not the case for this task .

I neared the podium and saw Alpha Lee address his pack . Nice .

I asked the guy near me ,"What's he saying ?"

"Just the usual think that we are the peasants in this pack and we have to work to live in this pack . And work like slaves. " I frown listening to what the guy told me .

This is ridiculous . Every one must work in the pack to bring income to it . Like I stared a company for clothes and a  restaurant in the human city and they are bringing alot of income in the pack . Some of the pack members work there while others work at different places even in the pack house but they are not slaves nor peasants.

"Like her she will be tortured for the crimes she committeed. " His voice boomed in the air .

" What are they going to do to her? " I asked the guy again .

"Kill her. " He said calmly as if this has been a normal thing to him .

"Kill her !" I whisper shout in surprise. This guys are extreme . I have to stop this now and soon .

"Alpha Lee " I called out mocking the Alpha title . I raised hand and waves in the air as I called him .

"Yes ." He said pissed off ..oooh I will even piss you even more . I smirked .

The crowd paved way for me .I walked towards the podium . Still looking down making him not see my booming confidence .

I raised my head when I neared him . " I challenge you to a dual to death for the Alpha title ." I said and I felt like everything around me was in a trance . I could still hear gasps  and mocking laughter from the rich pack members .

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