There's a part in the trailer that I assume is at the beginning and I think everyone made that connection because douxie is still in Arcadia
In the trailer Merlin comes from the ground and tells him to bring him the guardians of Arcadia, douxie kinda looks shocked and I wanted to see how this would play out you know douxie telling the guys that Arcadia is in danger again but we've already got three reactions and that is, Steve, Toby and Arrrgg
So we go back to the end of three below where we meet Archie the talking cat and he tells them that they are in danger and to follow him, Arrrg tells them that he is a familiar (Wizards assistant) so now they know that
So this makes me think that after Merlin disappears back into the ground again, Douxie tells Archie to go and find them three because he knows they are in Arcadia
And douxie then has to go find the others and he does but Jim may have been attacked by something that put him in that cacoon and that's why they had to go to merlins castle so get him out of it (unsure about that because he easily breaks out of the cacoon thing but that may be because he went back in time) and that's how they all meet up and get attacked in the castle
This is just a theory based on what I've seen so I'm not sure about it but it adds up and I can't wait to see it
FanficWhen I watch series I always think of different theories to go along with it and I've always wanted to get then out there and as I can write theorie book on here I thought why not it should be fun I hope you like reading them as they are posted If y...