Chapter 4: 1A/ USJ Attack.

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(Y/n) Pov

The next day Dad told me that he was taking the Class to the USJ.
My heart dropped but I didn't let it show.
I asked him if I should tell the class that I'm his daughter and explain the story. He said 'yes'.

We walked into class and everyone stared at me.

"Right, guys, I would like you to meet someone. This is (Y/n), she's my daughter."

"YOUR WHAT?!" The class shouted at the same time.

I whinced and covered my ears.

"Yes, she is" he dead panned. "About 12 years ago, she was thrown into a portal made by a villain. She-"

"HOLD ON! THAT'S THAT EXTRA THAT FELL FROM THE SKY THE OTHER DAY!" Bakugo roared, Now standing up at his desk and pointing his finger at me.

I covered my ears, again.

"Bakugo, shut it." Dad said, covering my ears by putting his hands over mine.
"Now, please respect her. (Y/n), there's a new seat behind Todoroki and Yaoyorozu."

He removed his hands and pointed to the new, empty seat.

I nodded and made my way to the new seat. Yaoyorozu gave me a soft smile, which I did the same back. Todoroki just gave me a nod.

-_-_-__-_ Timeskip brought to you by emergency exit iida-__-_-_-_-_-_-

Dad then explained that it was time to go to the USJ.

Everyone got changed into their hero costumes. I got changed into the PE kit since I didnt have one yet.

The kid with blue hair and glasses, (which I later find out his name is Tenya Iida.), decides to blow his whistle, making me cover my ears.
"Listen class 1A! Line up in 2 single file lines and enter the bus in an orderly fashion!"

'Jesus..why are they so loud?..' I wondered as i got on the bus and sat next to Kirishima and Asui.  The bus began the journey and small talk started along with it.

"I think Bakugo and Todoroki have the flashiest quirks." Someone stated.

"Sure, but Bakugo's always angry, so he'll never be popular." Asui said.


"You see?" Tsu said while I covered my ears.

"Bakugo, we've only known you for a couple of days, and we all know your personality is just a flaming pile of trash." Kaminari said

Bakugo yelled again.

"So... (Y/n)?" Kirishima began "what's your quirk"

"Um.. well... I have 3..." I stated nervously.

"Really! Wow!" Midoriya said, shocked. "What are they?!"

"Well, the first one is the same as my Dads, the second one is the same as my mums, it's called pain transference, and the third one's my own, Telekinesis."

"That's so manly,  (Y/n). Mine is called hardening, I can harden my skin like a rock. That's not as cool as yours." Kirishima said, activating his quirk.

I tested out the erasure quirk again and it worked. His quirk disappeared for a second.

"Woah..." Tsu responded.

I rubbed my eyes gently,
'I should ask my Dad for eye drops.' I thought.

"That's so cool!" Midoriya exclaimed.

I nervously rubbed my neck and thanked him.

"Talking about quirks..." Tsu started. "Midoriya..."

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