Chapter 5 Lost

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No One POV
The pups drag their tents out of the way of the tree branch then they jump inside their tents. But as soon the tree branch hit the ground a long piece of the tree flew to the pups tent. Hitting the tip of both pups tent connecting them. Then before the pups could come out of the their tents a big heavy wind blow the pups in air going above the tree and away from the camping spot.

Ryder, Carlos, Jake: NO PUPS

No One POV
Before any of the humans could do something another piece of the tree branch came flying to the humans hitting them into the paw patroller knocking them out. Then a couple more branches fell from the tree blocking the exit of the paw patroller. Meanwhile with the pups all panicking and screaming in the air.




No One POV
Each pups go on each end of the tent inside and hanging on. Couple minutes past and they noticed they are getting lower to the ground. But before they reached the ground one powerful wind blow them straight to the tree knocking all of them out in their tents. Hours past and the storm seem to calm down each hour. Then the sky was clear and the sun begins to rise. Next the sun shine on Chase eyes causing him to wake up first.

Chase: Ow my head (looks around in his tent and see the others) GUYS ARE YOU OK ?

All the pups in tent 1 slowly wake up

Skye: Yeah I'm fine but my front paw is hurting

Chase: Oh no Marshall can you check her

Marshall: Ok (check to see what's wrong) Ok good news she didn't brake anything. Bad news she wouldn't be able to walk for a couple hours.

Everest: I'll go out see if anyone else is out there and see where we are.

No One POV
Everest unzip the tent and got out to see only trees surrounded them no Ryder or the other humans and then see next to their tent is the other pups tent with the branch still there connected them. Everest then go to the second tents to see anyone alright.

Everest: Anyone alright in there ?

Tracker:(slowly got up and unzip the tent) Yeah look like we are all fine

The others slowly wake up

Zuma: What happen dudes ?

Rocky: The storm remember it blew all of us away from Ryder and the campsite.

Rubble: The important thing is that we need to see if everyone is fine and see what we have till we get back to the campsite. (Stepping out of the tent) If we can find it.

All of the pups got out of their tent and form and circle facing each other.

Chase: Ok no one panicked, we just need to find Ryder then he will know what to do.

Marshall: Ok let's call him on a pups tags

Every pup did but nothing happened just their pups tag glowing and static noises came from the pups tags

Rocky: No good our pups tags won't work because we probably far away from Ryder and the big trees is blocking our signal.

Tracker: You mean we are lost in the woods with no help. (begins to tear up)

Rubble: Hey calm Tracker (face to face with Tracker and puts paw on Tracker shoulder) take deep breath, in and out. Don't worry we will be fine and long as we have each other.

Tracker:(deep breath in and out) Ok I'm good thanks Rubble. Now what do we do ?

Paw Patrol lost In The WoodsWhere stories live. Discover now