His voice is like thunder, his fists are like steel. And his eyes, like a blazing fire.
Everytime he hits me i see that fire in his eyes flicker... But only for a moment before they blaze up again.
I know he doesn't mean to hurt me and that its only the substance controlling him. But its getting harder to hide the scars and bruises he leaves. People notice. People ask.
He's only sober at school, he knows what he does and when he comes to consciousness he weeps and pleads for me to forgive him.
I do.
And have been doing for 3 years. People say we are the perfect couple, that we're always happy and caring towards eachother.
If only they knew.
They say,
"Wow Blais i wish i had a relationship like you!"
Everytime i hear it its like a stab straight to my chest.
Everytime i roll down my sleeves and roll up my mouth and respond with a fake smile,
"Well, i am very lucky to have him."
I wish i could tell them. Tell them the horrible things he's said and done to me. I can't.
Instead i cry. I cry and cry until my eyes cannot anymore. I just sit and drown in running makeup. My face turned black.
My parents worry.
Whats wrong dear? You can tell us."
But i can't.