Chapter fifteen

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The next couple of weeks take an interesting turn. Ruby's mental health deteriorates, and it becomes harder for our family to get him out of bed. Monse left to stay with her mom and apparently broke up with Cesar. Since Spooky had kissed me we had seen each other in passing but hadn't really hung out. I wasn't particularly upset about it, I knew he was busy and the less I saw him the more I stayed out of trouble. The feelings couldn't grow if you didn't see them right?

It was Saturday morning and during breakfast, Mario and I came up with a plan to try and cheer Ruby up. We decided to go to the small corner store and grab his favorite snacks and also have Jamal come over.

Mario made his way up to the register while I grabbed a few more candy bars. When I made it up to the front to help Mario check out, I found him talking with Spooky.

"Heard the good news. Congrats, papa." Spooky told Mario, while I stayed in the background observing.

"Yeah. Thanks, man." Mario replied.

Spooky pointed to the snacks, "Baby mama cravings?" He asked. Breaking my silence I laughed a little and set the candy bars on the counter.

"Ah, nah. These are for Ruby." Mario told him. Spooky and I made eye contact and I blushed a little and looked down. From the corner of my eye, I saw him smirking a little. The radio in the shop switched to the news and started reporting on a robbery that had happened earlier. Spooky asked the cashier to turn it up and we listened as the reporter informed us that the getaway car had been found but the police had no leads.

"So how's the little man?" Spooky asked us.

"Oh, you know, he's been better," Mario told him.

Spooky nodded his head in understanding. "He's been through it.

"Yeah, man. I've never seen him like this before. Been monitoring him and... nothing will get him out of bed." Mario explained. It was hard seeing Ruby so upset again. Of course, I understood why but I was worried for him.

"Nothing?" Spooky asked, his eyebrow raised in question.

Spooky dropped off his groceries at his house and walked back to our house with us. Mario and Spooky took the walk as a way to catch up. The both of them walking in front of me as I trailed behind. When we made it back to the house, Ruby was still in bed. Spooky pulled the blanket off Ruby in an attempt to get his attention.

"You guys. I just want to sleep." Ruby told us turning around with his sleeping mask still on. Spooky pulled the blanket back off, this time catching Ruby's attention. He pulled off his sleeping mask and when he realized who was trying to wake him, his eyes went wide.

"Wakey, wakey biotch."

I left the boys to it. I figured Ruby needed some guy time or some like that. Eventually Mario came out of the room too, but being the nosey boy he was he turned on the baby monitor to listen to the conversation in Ruby's room.

I sat with Mario and listened to Spooky and my little brother talk. In Spooky's own way he gave Ruby a pep talk and I think it worked, even just a little bit. Although he did invite Ruby to a party which I wasn't a hundred percent on board with but I decided that maybe letting loose would be good for Ruby.

"Can we come? Please. I can't stay here any longer I need to have fun or I'm going to go insane." Mario suddenly pleaded through the baby monitor.

"Um what is this "we" business?" I questioned him. He didn't answer me as Spooky and Ruby walked out of the door.

"So when's the party?" Mario asked cheerfully.


Although when we first got there the party hadn't been much to write home about after ruby started doing his party planner thing, it started to pick up. of course, this was until he had to be convinced to stay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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