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    "Keefe.." Nerves hit Sophie hard as Keefe led them into his closet, her breathing quickened. She twisted her fingers together after Keefe dropped her hand.
"Soph?" he didn't turn to face her but she could almost hear the smirk on his face. He started rifling through drawers, mumbling to himself.

She took a hard swallow she was sure he heard but ignored, she glanced around taking in all of the clothes she had never seen before. She grazed her fingers lightly over a few pieces stopping at a shirt that didn't belong in an elves closet. She couldn't help but smile at the shirt, she traced the yellow bat symbol with her fingers.
Sometimes it slipped her mind that this hadn't always been her life. That just years ago she was a completely different person, ignorant to the fact there was more to the world than she knew. When her biggest problem was a headache and trying not to look like a super genius freak. Her heart twisted remembering her human family. She missed them.
Sophie turned towards Keefe who was now kneeling down searching through a different drawer. A smile stretched across her face. Sophie knew she was where she belonged, as much as she missed her simple human life sometimes this was where she was meant to be. Before she didn't have anyone she was close to, her only friend was her cat Marty.. and now she had an entire group of people she cared about and who cared about her.
"Your mood swings are distracting me, Foster."

She started to reach out to put her hand on Keefe's shoulder but retracted it as she noticed he began to stand up. Quickly she turned back to the black Batman t-shirt. "Distracting you from what exactly? I mean what are we doing in here?" Sophie asked.
"Oh! That's perfect!" Keefe exclaimed, ignoring her question he reached towards her hand on the sleeve of the t-shirt causing Sophie to jump ever so slightly. He pulled the shirt off of the hanger.
"Perfect for what?" Sophie asked, still completely confused before it finally hit her. "Keefe we are not going to the Forbidden Cities." She turned to face him trying to read his amused expression.

"That is a good idea." He strung the sentence out before adding, "but you're right that's not what we're doing. Maybe another night." He winked at her and held out the t-shirt and a pair of shorts to Sophie. Not shorts, swimming trunks?
Sophie eyed the swimming trunks, "uh.. no offense but those look a little small for you Keefe..." Reaching for the swimming trunks, holding them out in front of her between her face and Keefe's.
Keefe laughed and pushed the trunks down. "They're not for me, they're for you." He took them from her and held them against her waist, his fingers grazing her hips causing a rush of heat to her cheeks. She stumbled backwards. Looking up at Keefe she noticed his cheeks were pink, he rubbed the back of his neck unable to look directly at her,

"For me to what?" Sophie was grateful she managed to get the question out with her voice cracking.

"For you to swim of course." He looked up at her, letting a small laugh escape his lips. "What else do you do in swimming trunks, Foster?" He held out the t-shirt and trunks to her once again. "I don't have any bikinis sorry, Miss F." His signature smirk making an appearance again.
Sophie snatched the swimming trunks and t-shirt from him, "this is fine." She grumbled.
"You can change in here, and I'll go to the bathroom." He held a second pair of swimming trunks, taking a step towards the closet doorway.
"I.. uh.. um okay." Keefe walked out of the closet, closing the door behind him leaving her alone before she had a chance to protest.

What am I doing? I'm supposed to be comforting Keefe and now I'm.. I'm going swimming? She let out a huff, eyeing the swimming trunks Keefe had given her. She glanced at the door and moved further into the closet before changing. She eyed herself in the big mirror Keefe had in the front of his closet. She pulled at the hem of the t-shirt, being back in human clothes felt.. weird. It was oddly comforting, though. Much more comfortable than any of the gowns she had to wear most days.

"You alright in there?" She heard Keefe ask from right outside the door. "They fit, right?"
She reached for the knob opening the door, "yeah they fit." She stepped out of the closet taking in Keefe's outfit. She couldn't help but laugh at his swimming trunks, they were grey with small silver Alicorns all over them.
"Why do you have these still anyway?" She fingered the edge of the trunks she was wearing, which were more plain than his, they were just blue. Ice blue. She was sure that when Keefe wore them they brought out his eyes making them 10 times more piercing than they already were.
"Oh I kept them for this specific instance," he grinned, "I've just been waiting on the Lovely Lady Foster to come by and put them on. And I must say they look much better on you than they ever did on me." He took a small step towards her.
She snorted, "I doubt that." Stupid. Her cheeks turned a light pink as Keefe raised his eyebrow at the compliment she hadn't meant to give him.

Keefe looked tempted to tease her but instead held out his hand, "you ready?" His gaze was so intense it almost seemed like he wasn't even talking about just going to swim. Sophie placed her hand on his, still slightly unsure as to if she even wanted to agree to this but Keefe wrapped his hand around Sophie's and led her out of the room.

As they passed Sandor he took a double take, "and where do you think you're going?" He was right on their heels, Ro walking ever so slightly behind them all. Being around Keefe so much must have taught her that sometimes its better to not argue, and just go with Keefe's flow. There was no point in arguing with him, you'd probably have a better chance of Verdi listening to you than Keefe. Sophie couldn't help but think back to all of the times Keefe had ignored her requests not to do something.

Feeling her emotion shift Keefe laced his fingers with Sophies and squeezed her hand. She had forgiven him for not listening. This most recent time in particular it was especially hard to stay mad at him. He had ignored and broken his promise to not go to Loamnore with everyone for his own safety. They had found out his mother ordered Tam to kill him, but it wasn't quite as black and white as they had thought. Although it could have killed him it didn't, it just left him comotuse for a few weeks. As hard as it was to stay mad at Keefe, it was even harder when he wasn't conscious. Those weeks were some of the hardest of her life, if he hadn't woken up she didn't know what she would have done. She knew Keefe was important to her but once she thought she might lose him she knew she had to figure out how to wake him up. A life without Keefe wasn't a life she wanted to be in.
She had cried a lot over those weeks but none more than the day he woke up, but the tears were different. She was so overcome with relief and joy she couldn't have stopped the tears if she had wanted to. She pushed all of the issues they would have to face away and focused on him, Keefe was awake, Keefe was alive, and right then that was the only thing that mattered. Everything else was just background noise. Sophies could feel her heart start to skip.

"I don't know what all of these emotions you're throwing at me are about, Foster." He risked a glance back at Sophie giving her a soft smile, "but that last one is my favorite, so maybe keep that one for a while. These mood swings are going to kill me." He laughed and Sophie tightened her hand around his and quickened her pace so they were standing side by side as they walked towards the back of the house, towards the open ocean air.

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