Crème Brûlée

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When I imagine you the whole day
My heart flutters in expectation
Is it white or yellow?
I want to break it, what to do?

I tap it every day, how will it taste like?
I tap it constantly, the sweetness that’s you
Who will be soft as molten sugar
You’re like the sweetest love ooh

I get curious about your heart that’s like Creme
One day it’s red
Another day it’s purple
Just as the sweetness spreads and fills my mouth
Some days it’s mint color
Just like my heart, today is pink You

I know you’re past being soft and sweet, you will be fatal
The color that resembles you, if I add the taste that’s you on top
When I get curious beyond what’s allowed
I fall in deeper into temptation
Like Creme Brulee

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