Chapter 4

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So far, we had two possible suspects, Sammy's dad Tom Jackson, and Stephen Thomson, but that was really it. Our profile was basically narrowed down, so we delivered it to the local PD around 4PM. It had to be someone they knew or someone who had some sort of vendetta against Sammy or his mother. Based on the geographical profile of the abduction and the manner of which Sammy was taken, there was no way this wasn't personal or premidated. The big question really was why and where.

At around 5PM, we all sat in the conference room, discussing where Sammy could possibly be.

"I know you're all tired," Hotch started, "but we are really getting down to the wire here. Reid, Mills, Morgan, did you come up with anything in the geographical profile?"

"Based on the abduction sight," Reid started, getting up and going towards the map on the board, "whoever took Sammy most likely lives or is keeping Sammy within a mile of the park. Typically child abductors don't like to go far because they have an intended purpose for their abductions, no matter if it is sexual or not."

"Okay," Hotch said, dialing Garica, "Garcia, I need you to do a search for me."

"Shoot," Garica said immediately.

"Look at homes or any rented spaces within a mile from the abduction sight. We think whoever took Sammy didn't go far."

As Garcia typed away, I had a thought.

"Do you think he wants Maria Jackson to find him?"

"What do you mean?" JJ asked.

"I mean, he takes her son, right when she is the only one with him, is clearly organized, and is most likely close to the abduction sight. It sounds like whoever our unsub is, is really targeting Maria."

"Got something," Garcia said as I finished my thought.

"What is it Garcia?" Emily asked.

"A little less than a mile away, some man named Henry Rodes rented a small cabin in the middle of the woods. Now, before you ask, yes I looked into it and his phone records show various phone texts and calls with Stephen Thomson all this past week, leading up to the abduction."

"What do the texts say, Garcia?" Rossi asked.

"It looks like he was black mailing Stephen with something, although i'm not sure what....oh wait here it says and I quote, 'Make the call at approximately 7:28PM or else I tell your fiance about Sarah.'"

"Who's Sarah?" Reid asked.

"Looking now.. Got it," Garcia started, "Sarah is.. Oh god, Sarah is Stephen's daughter."

"So this guy's hiding a secret life from these people?" Morgan scoffed.

"Garcia who is this Henry guy, what's his relation to Maria and Sammy," Emily asked, as confused as the rest of us.

As Garcia typed, I heard her let out a small gasp.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Okay get this, Henry Rodes is actually Sammy's biological father but when Sammy was born Maria moved away, met Tom, and changed her name to Maria Jackson, which was previously Samantha Bane. Looks like he had a history of abuse and got her pregnant at a young age. She then married Tom Jackson, but recently got divorced for regular issues, just wasn't working anymore."

"How is it that we just learned more in the last 5 minutes than the last 5 hours?" JJ asked sarcastically.

"Literally classic," I said, responding with some more sarcasm.

"Address Garcia?" Hotch asked.

"Already on your tablets."

"Okay," Hotch started, "Reid and Jo stay here and talk to the families and tell Stephen what we know. Everyone else, suit up."

As the team left the station, Reid and I headed over to where Stephen Thomson, Maria Jackson, and Tom Jackson were seated.

"Did you find my son?" Ms. Jackson asked in tears.

"We think we may have," I said calmly, "do you think we could have a moment with you alone Ms. Jackson?"

"Yes, yes, of course," she said, trying to collect herself.

As we entered a small office, Reid closed the door and we sat down across from Ms. Jackson.

"Ms. Jackson," I started, "I am going to be upfront with you, is that okay?"

She nodded.

"Okay," I gave Reid a small glance, "we know your real name is Samantha Bane and we know about your past and we believe that our unsub is Henry Rodes. Don't worry we aren't going to say anything about you changing your name. Can you just tell us a little about Henry?"

At the mention of Henry Rodes, her face turned white.

"Henry Rodes is the actual father to Sammy, which I'm sure you already know. You have to understand, Tom is a good guy, Sammy deserves to believe that that is his father, we just kind of drifted"

"So, this is something Henry would do?" Reid asked.

"Oh I don't doubt it for a second," she started, "that selfish bastard would do anything to get what he wanted. I just hope my Sammy is okay," she began to cry.

I gave Reid a worried glance.

"Ms. Jackson, are you aware of Mr. Thomson's involvement?" I asked.

She looked shocked.

"Stephen?" she asked, confused, "why would he be involved with Henry kidnapping my son?"

"It's not our place to say," Reid started, "but Henry had blackmail against him and forced him to help with the kidnapping. That's why he called you exactly when Sammy was taken."

"What blackmail?" she asked.

"I think that is something you and Stephen should discuss privately," I started, "let's just focus on bringing Sammy home," I said, giving her hand a squeeze.

When we left the office, we waited around 10 minutes and finally the team arrived back at the station with Sammy.

"Oh, my son!!" Ms. Jackson yelled out, Sammy running into her arms.


As I watched Sammy reunite with his mother, I felt myself beginning to cry.

"Are you crying?" Reid asked me with a little smile.

"No," I said, obviously crying.

"Yes, you are. You're crying," he said, "Come here," he said, wrapping his arms around me so my head was buried in his chest.

As I wrapped my arms around him, embracing him in a hug, I felt all of my hormones acting up at once. Feeling like I was going to burst out into tears any moment, I whispered,

"I can't wait to have our baby."

Reid gave the most adorable little giggle I had ever heard. I practically felt the smile on his face as I rested my head on his chest.

"Neither can I."

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