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Louis woke up to the ringing of his phone. Zayn was still sleeping so Louis was gonna try his best to not wake his sleeping boyfriend. Louis grabbed his phone and sure enough management was calling. 

"Hello" Louis said a whisper. 

"Louis, you and Zayn need to be at the management building at 11:15. Don't be late." 

Management hung up the phone, Louis wanted just to curl back in bed with his boyfriend, but looking at the clock he only had an hour till 11. Zayn started to stir awake. 

"Good Morning" Zayn said in is deep morning voice. 

Louis leaned in and gave Zayn a kiss, not caring about morning breath. 

"Morning, love" Louis said. 

"What was the phone call about?" Zayn questioned still a bit groggy from just waking up.

"Simon wants us at the main office at 11:15" Louis told Zayn. 

"Oh, ok. Let's take a shower and eat then" Zayn said. 

"Sounds great" Louis told him before pulling Zayn of the bed and giving him a passionate kiss. 

Louis led Zayn to the bathroom, every few seconds turning and kissing Zayn. They entered the bathroom and got in the shower. 

Meanwhile at Harry's. 

Harry had woken up around 10 and he got ready for his meeting with Simon. Harry had heard some of the music that One Direction has done. I mean some of it was on the radio, but he never really seen what the boys looked like. 

Harry threw on a grey long sleeve and some black skinnies. He didn't really bother much with his hair so he put on a black beanie. 

The drive to the office was about a 20 minute drive from Harry's house. It was about 10:30 when Harry called a car. He really did not want to be late with a meeting with the biggest man in the music industry. 

The drive seemed shorter than expected, so when he arrived is was about 10:55. Harry was nervous I mean this was Simon freaking Cowell. 

Harry went inside and was lead up to a conference room where Simon was waiting. 

"Take a seat" Simon told him as he walked in. 

Harry took a seat, across the table from Simon and his crew. 

"Ok let's get started. Harry, you will be dating Zayn. You'll start with interactions over social media, then pap walks, also you will attend some of there shows, and appear on the red carpet with Zayn. Zayn will also come to your fashion shows. You both may have a photoshoot at some point," Simon explained "any questions?"

"No" Harry told Simon. 

"Alright great, last thing is a contract that I have written up, that you need to sign. Also a Non-Disclosure agreement." Simon passed the contract and the ND over to Harry. 

Harry read through it, and made sure everything sounded good. He signed where he was supposed to and passed the ND and contract back over to Simon. 

"Zayn, should be here soon. You will also meet Zayn's real boyfriend today. Later you will meet the other two boys" Simon told Harry. "They should be here any minute."

On cue Simon's assistant buzzed in.

"Zayn and Louis are here" she said. 

"Send them up" Simon said. 

Harry didn't know many people with the name Louis, he did know a Louis a long time ago they first meet at a battle of the bands competition in 2008 and the again in a bathroom at a the Script concert in 2009. They talked for months and were really good friends. Harry actually caught feelings for him. Sometimes Harry would think about Louis and where he was now. Early 2010 they stopped talking and hasn't heard or seen him in years. 

The door to the conference room opened snapping Harry out if his thoughts. He looked towards the door seeing two very good looking men. One had black hair and the other had brown hair with beautiful blue eyes. Harry looked at the boy with blue eyes over again, oh my god. Harry knew the boy with blue eyes. It was Louis the man he fell for when he was only 16. Harry's jaw dropped when he and Louis met eyes. Louis' jaw also dropped. They were so shocked seeing each other after 10 years. 

"Louis?" Harry questioned. 

"Harry?" Louis also questioned. 

"Do you two know each other?" Simon asked. 

"Yeah we met before I auditioned for the x-factor" Louis said still staring into Harry's eyes. 

"Babe?" Zayn said. 

Louis turned to Zayn. Louis gave Zayn a smile and pulled him into his side wrapping his arm around his waist. 

"This is Harry, um we met back in 2008." Louis said introducing Zayn to Harry. 

"Wait why are you here?" Louis turned back to Harry. 

"Now that you all met, we have to discuss somethings do Zayn and Louis sit down" Simon said. 

Louis rolled his eyes in announce and sat in the chair next to Harry. Zayn sat on the other side of Louis. 

"Ok so because Zayn decided to directly disobey my rules, and told the whole world that you broke up with Gigi and you were dating a guy, I got you a new beard. This time a guy, because we can't have Louis' faggy ass out in the open" Simon said. 

Harry cringed at the way that Zayn and Louis were treated, he cringed at the words Simon was using. It disgusted him. 

"Meet Mr. Styles your new boyfriend" Simon said. 

Zayn and Louis turned to Harry, with shocked faces. Harry just mouthed the words "I'm sorry". They turned back to Simon with angry faces. 

"Now all of you know how PR relationships work. You'll start to interact through social media, then we'll do pap walks, you'll both attended each others shows, and appear on red carpets." Simon explained to them. 

The boys nodded their heads trying to get out of this meeting as fast as they could. Simon dismissed them and all of them left. Before Harry could get out of the building, Louis called him. 

"Harry, could we speak with you?" Louis asked.

"Sure what's up?" Harry asked. 

"We just wanted to say thank you" Zayn said. 

"Why? You shouldn't be thanking me" Harry said.  

"Because you seem to care, and also you mouthed sorry to use after Simon was saying some very nasty words" Louis said. 

"I just think that no one should be treated that way." Harry told them. 

"Well I think your the best beard I've ever had." Zayn said. 

"Thanks, I just wish you didn't even need a beard. Hopefully we can become friends all of you guys seem really cool" Harry said. 

"Totally" they both replied. 

"I should get going I have a shoot later," Harry said. 

"Before you go, here's our numbers" Louis handed Harry a slip of paper with both their numbers on it. 

"Thank you, well I'll see you soon then" Harry said. 

Harry walked outside a called his sister, he decided he would walk to a cafe and get a coffee. He called his sister pretty regularly, but he really needed to tell her about how the man he used to have massive feelings for was dating his pr boyfriend. So, Harry called his sister and ranted to her about everthing. It felt good. 

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