Zappy Awards

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Timmy groaned as she looked at herself in a mirror of bathroom, tipping on her bucktooth and felt it swaying slightly.

Aw drat...." She sighed.

Gary peeked as Cosmo and Wanda poofed.

"What' is it, Tim-Tim?" The former imaginary friend asked.

"My tooth is loose!" Timmy exclaimed, "I can't lose them!"

"Well, Timmy~! We do know that tooth problem is Tooth Fairy Territory~!" Cosmo pointed out as Wanda was sulking.

"Oh, the Tooth Fairy...," Wanda growled, "why is SHE one of the most popular..."

"What do you expect, Wanda~? She puts many Phillips in people's pillow~!" Her green-haired husband jovially said as he held onto his favorite nickel.

"Chill, girl. Even I know how you paired up the toothy showgirl and muscled jar-head." Gary remarked with snarky manner, referring to Tooth Fairy and Jorgen's wedding, "Ol' Gary's sure she will get your tooth back."

With a poker face, Timmy opened her closet door, showing many awards involving her buck-tooth; Best Bite, Best Smile, Best Dental Hygiene, etc.

"... OH." Gary stood, fully understanding Timmy's value of her own tooth.

Being her former imaginary friend, Gary knows of her former embarrassment of her own buck tooth as it was one of reasons why kids used to pick on her. However, as years go by her bunny-like tooth had blessed her a strong biting strength, healthy dental hygiene and not to mention, a boosting up her "cute" appearance. So, losing it would mean the brunette has to wait for long time until her buck-tooth returns back or Tooth Fairy could poof it back to normal.

"Wow, it must be nice to have those awards." Wanda said as she looked at the trophies.

"We never won for anything before~!" Cosmo added, a bit too cheerfully.

Just then, with a small poof, the Mailman fairy appeared with an envelope.

"Invitation for Cosmo, Wanda, the god-children Timantha Turner and Gary," the mailman fairy announced, "all of you are nominated for this year Fairy Wood Zappy Awards."

"Zappy Awards?" Timmy and Gary tilted their head.

"YAY~~!" Cosmo squealed as he flew in circle.

"We've never been nominated for anything before~!" Wanda informed to Timmy and Gary.

"How come?" Timmy asked.

"Well, Timmy, our god-parenting career was special with..., uhhhh, what's the word I've been working for~?" The green-haired fairy asked his wife.

"Failures." Wanda replied, solemnly.

"Yeah, yeah~! Thats it~!" Then Cosmo pouted sadly, "...that."

"Well, count me out. I have to take care of lil' pal Eddie." Gary said.

"You sure?" Timmy asked.

"Yeah. Besides, he needs a company," The black-haired boy said as he held Eddie who was still sleepy, "good luck with the Zaps!"

However, Timmy and her fairies weren't the only one invited to annual last month of year Ceremony. Away from Turner's house, couple of blocks away, was Buxaplenty mansion. A house of lonely, yet snooty rich kid Remy Buxaplenty.

"Zappy Awards?" Remy raised his eyebrow, reading the invitation.

"Si~!" Juandissimo nodded.

"Who else is invited?"

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