She's Da Man

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In Dimmsdale Park, people were enjoying environment of preserved nature as kids were running around, playing several sports with their family and friends. In a midst of the park where the benches and tables takes place along with convenient store, Timmy and her friends were sitting as most enjoy the lunch. Couple of feet away were popular kids from their school, chatting about their common interests.

"Any idea what they're talking about?" Chloe asked.

Apparently, the popular kids were talking about current trends of fashions, idols, and their appearances in the articles.

"No, I don't speak 'preps'..." Gary replied.

Timmy rolled her eyes, held unfinished drink and sandwiches as she was obviously losing her appetite from the presence of Tristan. She was then bumped into someone who were talking to him. Angry by Tad and Chad's laughter, she was about to snap at whoever bumped to her.


She paused to see Vernon was the one who bumped onto her. He seemed surprised by her outburst as he stood still, either scared or shy. His blue eyes shaken a little by how close their distance are, then sees the drink poured on her shirt. Tristan even blinked by Timmy's angry yell.

"Nice wig, Turner," Tad snickered as Chad laughed, "where did you made from~?"

"YOUR DADDY'S CHEST CHAIR." Timmy growled in snarky manner before leaving, didn't even give Vernon a time to apologize.

Stressful by the popular kid's presence, Timmy dumped the trash in a bin and punched the tree HARD enough to leave a fist mark on, causing her friends to jolt.

"Say, how about we head off to arcade?" Chester said, attempting to calm her.

"Yeah, let's not care about those snobs and try that new Crimson Cheek game~!" Elmer added.

With small smile Timmy nodded, having no idea what is awaiting her later as she walked her way to arcade next to the Dimmsdale Mall with her close friends. As usual, Timmy had a high records among the kids in Crimson Cheek VS Bronze Armada, Zombie Apocalypse, VTR shooting games, etc. Gary only laughed as Chester and Elmer's jaw dropped. AJ rolled his eyes but smiled.

"We played all games and we still have much time! What do we do now?" Chester asked.

"Where we all love to go~," Timmy smiled, "to the Comic book store~!"

They cheered as they went to the bookstore to look for new comic books. They split to find their respective favorite ones as Timmy looked for several in shoujo manga section. Picked the last copy with the title of "How To Survive The Life of Villainess". Hearing a small commotion and familiar "girly" voice, she internally groaned and turned to see the familiar figure arguing with the comic book store owner about last copy of the manga Timmy had picked.

"Hey, may I help you?" She approached to them.

The figure turned to see her. Flawless long black hair, familiar blue eyes. The lavender aura of vanity lingered still, but different. It has scent of sweetness and floral grace. This one, was none other than Tristan Tang. Only not in his usual attire, but crossdressed as a girl. His eyes slightly widen to see someone he least expect to see.

 His eyes slightly widen to see someone he least expect to see

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Fairly Odd Life of Timantha TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now