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Over the past two seasons, Claire made a habit of visiting the Winery to talk to Manna and Duke and eventually befriending them. The exact reason why the couple decided to ask her for help harvesting grapes the other day. And today, a day before the Autumn Derby, Claire decided she'd drop by Adge Winery as always to say hi. However, as she stepped right infront of the door, she heard Manna and Duke talking with unusually strong emotion in their voices.

"...Wonder what... is thinking?"

"Well, it's ... problem. So you need to stay out of it, dear."


Claire was worried they'd start fighting, and she knows it should be none of her business, but she's heard enough to grow curious of what they were arguing about. She comes and walks in after hearing, hoping to mediate the situation.

"Aren't you worried about Cliff? You just saw, didn't you? He... And then... so... "

"I know. I can't say I'm not worried. Cliff ... and... It's such a shock."

"That's exactly why we need to confront him about it!"

"I told you! It's between them! I'm concerned about Cliff myself, trust me. But I'd rather wait and see than stick my nose where it doesn't belong and only succeed in making things worse! Even if you asked him about it, what advice could you possibly give?"

"Manna, Duke, is something the matter?"

"O-Oh! Hey! Fancy seeing you here, Claire."

"Hello, Claire. You didn't happen to overhear what we were just talking about, did you?"

"Actually, no. I came inside because I was worried you two were fighting." Claire frowned, looking worried for the couple.

"You couldn't hear what we were saying? Well, I assure you we weren't fighting." Duke confirms.

"We're just of two minds on something -- typical for a married couple. I assure you. Sorry if we made you uncomfortable."

"Oh, okay. That's a relief then."

Claire sighed and regained the small smile on her lips. There was a bit of a silence before Duke spoke up again, but this time he was talking to Claire, eager for her opinion.

"Claire, may I ask you something?"

"Good grief, dear! Just drop it. Can't you for one second realize when you're overstepping your boundaries?!"

"Oh, shut your trap! What's wrong with being worried about your own family?!" He argues, Manna sighs behind him.

"I'm done. Do whatever you want." 

"I'm so sorry, Claire. To be honest, it's about Cliff. What would you say is his weakness? I know it's out of the blue, but what's the first thing that comes to mind?"

"Cliff? Well, he... overthinks things, I guess."

"Exactly! You know him so well, Claire!"

"I can't argue that, dear. He's bottled up and corked tighter than our finest vintage. We'd love it if he'd confide in us, but it's impossible to coax anything out of him. It's frustrating."

"No, no. It's great to celebrate a person's strengths, but you have to be aware of their weaknesses, too. Actually, sorry. This is between us. So don't worry about it, Claire."

Cliff comes in just at that moment and everybody freezes for a second, surprised to see the main character of their conversation. 

"Duke, Manna, I've finished my work for today. Oh, hello, Claire. You have business at the store?"

Through the Grapevine (Claire x Cliff)Where stories live. Discover now