Part 3

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After school

"Hey soobin want to come to my house?" You asked, Soobin was cut off by your phone rang.

"Answer it" Soobin said

"Ya I will" you said as you pick up the phone. ~On The Phone~

"Hello mom?" You said.

"Hey pumpkin" your mom said.

"Mom don't call me that!" You whined.

"But it's a cute nickname for you! Anyway I want you to come home now because we are going to meet my bestfriend family in the restaurant" your mom said

"What? But why me?" You asked.

"Youre my daughter you have to come" your mom said.

"Ugh! Fine" you said.

"Okay Bye pumpkin!" Your mom said as she hung up.

"What happen?" Soobin asked

"My mom's friend want to meet us in the restaurant. She want me to come home now sorry Soobin you can't come today" you said

"No worries it's ok" Soobin said.

"Okay bye See you tomorrow" You said.

"Bye see you tomorrow ". He said as you not walk in different way. As you were walking , you saw Mr Jeon driving.

"He looks so hot yet scary whoever is going to marry him have to suffer poor girl" you thought to yourself as you walked to your house. About 15 minutes, you reached your home.

"Mom Dad I'm home!!" You said.

"Hey pumpkin!" Your dad said. You sigh and walk to the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Your mom asked.

"Mom dad don't call me pumpkin I'm really thin right now not fat!!" You said making cute pout out that make your parents chuckled.

"For us, you're still pumpkin okay. We won't stop calling that even if you have children we will still call you that!"  They said.

"Bad Mom Dad!" You said as you went to your room and your parents just chuckled.

"She is still a baby" your dad said.

"Yea I know right?" Your mom said.


"Pumpkin are you ready?" Your mom asked.

"Just a minute mom!" You said as you touch up your lips with lip balm.

"I'm done now!!" You said as you walk out from your room.

"Woah! You look just like your mom when the first time I met her!" Your dad said.

"Really?" You asked.

"Yes lets go now your mom said . You just nodded  and went to your dad's car.

"Mom how long you know your best friend?" You asked her in the car

"I know her about 18 years sweetie She was my closest bestie! Well I last saw her since I got married after that I didn't saw her as she went to London. Now She is back I want to see her and her family" your mom said

"Wow that's awesome!"You said.

"Your mom is a little weird" your dad said as you giggled. Your mom playfully hit your dad's hand. You love your family so much

~At the Restaurant~

"We are here" your dad said

"Great let's go"your mom said and you nodded. In the restaurant...

"Mom where are they?" You asked

"Wait let me call her" your mom said and you nodded and you just look at your phone.

"She is there!!" Your mom said , you follow your mom and dad to them.

"Hey y/m/f /n how are you?" Your mom asked

"I'm good OMG is she your daughter?" She asked.

"Yes her name is Kim y/n" your mom said.

"You're so beautiful" she said

"Thank you aunty" you said

"My son is also here. He went to the washroom" she said.

Your dad and her husband were chatting, then you heard a familiar voice. You look up and you saw Mr Jeon.

'What the heck is he doing here?' Your thought.

"Y/m/n this is my son Jeon Jungkook" his mom said and your eyes widened.

'What? He is my mom's friend son?' Your thought

"Wow your son is so handsome" your mom said and you gasped.

"Thank you aunty" He said.

Jungkook sit opposite you which was so uncomfortable because he was staring you like you are his meal.

"Should we order food?" His and you dad asked. Everyone nodded and the waiter took the order

"Y/m/n I thinking that our children should get marry so our friendship would change to a big family so what you think?" His mom asked as you almost got choke.

"Actually I was thinking the same" your mom said . You saw how Jungkook eyes widened.

"Then it's great let's make them get married" your dad and his said.

"So you okay with this marriage Jungkook?" His mom asked.

'Please say no!' Your thought

"I'm okay with this marriage I will do anything for you mom" Jungkook said.

'Oh damn I am dead now. He such a mommy's boy!' Your thought

"That's great we don't need to ask y/n because your son is handsome. All the girl would be dying to marry him. Tho I bet y/n likes him!! Right?" Your mom said making your cheek turned red.

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