~ part 26 ~

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It was 7:30 pm, I just came out the shower. I texted the boys.

Ratssss 🐀:

Y/n- I'm picking uu guys up. We are going to a party!!!

Mattia- yes sir.

Alejandro- I'll pick up kai, and Robert and Noah. (Yes Noah beck...)

Y/n- I'll take Mattia Devyn Jabez and alexxx...

Alex- sure.

Devyn- yay!!!

Jabez- ok I'm ready.

Y/n- yo chill. Let me get dress.

Mattia- 🥵

Jabez- don't you dare matti ratti.

Mattia- 😴
Read 7:45

I put my lotion etc.



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I put mascara and lip gloss

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I put mascara and lip gloss. I left with my 3 sibling. To pick up Mattia. I put "taste by tyga "
on blast.

Jabez- no, that dres-

I put the music louder.


Y/n- here!

Mattia- 👌🏽
Read 8:00

He came out, and go in the passenger seat, we had to force Jabez out the passenger seat💀.

I put Julissa addy on phone, and it was like a 10 min drive from Mattia's mansion.

We arrived, that's when Alejandro pulled up, this tall, fine ass dude came out the passenger seat, I just looked at him up and down.

Mattia's POV-

I saw how y/n looked at Noah. I got pissed but try to ignore it.

I saw y/n, walk in front of me, I saw Noah catching up to her. They were talking but I couldn't hear since the music. I knew y/n was clean for a week. There's a lot of drugs and drink.

I was just sitting on the chair when I saw y/n grinding on Noah. Than she was twearkin. I just opened my mouth in shock she can do that.

Jabez- really dude?!

Mattia- dude.

He left and Noah was slapping her ass. I just turned around and saw a random girl looking at me. She grabbed my hand and started to dance. Than a good ass song came. Romeo Santos, I wanted to dance with y/n but she had Noah.... he dance well for being a white boiii.

Y/n's POV-

Don't get me wrong I was having fun with Noah. I wanted to dance with Mattia. I saw him dancing with some bitch. I went up to him, grabbed his hand and dragged him to the middle of the dance room. We started to dance to rhythm of the song. He dances well, our Mexican and Italian guy. He smiled and I smiled, at him.

Noah took my hand gave me a spin and carried my bridal style. He took my to a room, laid me on the bed.

Noah- y/n, I don't like you running off to another dude.

Y/n- i have a boyfriend...

Noah- Ik....

Y/n- we can't.

He didn't listen and kissed my neck, I was turned on. I moan, letting him know he found my spot. Than Jabez came in.

Jabez- uh uh. No.

He grabbed Noah and took him out the room. I laughed. We went back down stairs. I grabbed a cup of water, I turned around not paying much attention to my drink.

Cynthia's pov-

I put vodka in her drink, I knew she was clean. I saw her drink it, she looked around to find Mattia but Mattia wasn't paying attention. I later saw her walking the kitchen, looking for more vodka...

( I actually don't dislike her doe)

Y/ns pov-

It was vodka in my drink.... I couldn't resist and went to look for more. I saw Alex there, he was keeping a eye out for me. He dropped something I grabbed the whole new bottle and ran upstairs.

Alex's POV-

I saw y/n here. I was keeping a look out Incase she wanted to drink. I dropped something and when I picked it up she was gone, I rushed to Mattia.

Alex- i think y/n got a hold of vodka.

Mattia- oh shit.

Jabez- wait what?

Alex- she got a hold of vodka.

Jabez- that bitch.... ooo.

Mattia- what?

Jabez- Cynthia put something in her drink.

Mattia- oh let's find y/n we'll deal with her later.

We looked around and found her in a room, staring at the bottle. It was still new.

Y/n- i couldn't...

Alex- good job. I'm proud of you y/n.

Mattia- so am i....

Cynthia- come on y/n. One shot...

She said as she handed y/n a hot of tequila I think. Y/n grabbed it and drunk it and she stranded up and spit the drink in Cynthia face.

Y/n- bitch, watch your actions with me you don't know who I am.

Cynthia- oh sure I don't.

Cynthia said as she wiped her face on her shirt

Cynthia- daughter of the latest mafia leader in Greece. You may go to a public school, but I know.

Y/n- oh really let me guess your dad works for me.

Cynthia- actually, no. He owns Greece so your working for him do treat me right.

Y/n- father? Come again?

She said as Cynthia got a call. She went into a restroom and came out.

Cynthia- you killed my dad?!

Y/n- honey, yes. Now guess who owns Greece?

Cynthia- me!

Y/n- no he put his business in my name. Your now nothing, your worthless. So be careful how you fuckin talk to me.

Cynthia just started to cry, as y/n, left the room.

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