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Earth and obtained the power of the Titans. When she died, her spirit was split into nine Titans who formed an empire known as Eldian. After defeating the great nation of Marley, they ruled the continent. Thus began a new age of darkness... the subjects of Ymir called other races inferior and began to oppress them.

'They stole lands and fortunes, forcing other races to bear their children so as to increase their numbers. This cleansing continued for about 1700 more years. Yet, once the great nation of Merley plotted to subvert Eldia and its arrogance from within. It brought seven of the nine Titans under their control. Leaving them victorious in the Great Titan war 80 years prior. The king of Eldian at the time erected three walls on the island of Paradis and fled there with as many of his people as he could. Our ancestors that were left behind were abandoned on the other continent, but... the gracious people of Marley let us live and stay on their lands.

'There were people who would die for that belief, and then there was the group my father was with. The Patriots. They believed that our master was telling lies. That the truth wasn't good enough, so they lied. People had died because they just walked around the town. It didn't matter how old you were. Even just small children... if they wandered too far, the next day would be found dead in a gutter. Worse, was that if you were really unlucky, you would be shipped here, to paradise.

'They believed that our ancestors were right. In order to correct the world once again, Eldia would need to be restored. There was a man in the government known as 'The Owl.' He led Restorationists without ever showing himself. Yet, we never questioned it because we understood. That if we knew who he was, the weak who were caught would sell him out to save themselves.

'In the end, it didn't matter. Because a man my father was in the group with came up with a plan. He was married to a woman who had royal blood running through her veins. Dina Fritz. They had gotten married, some time after my father and mother had, their child was about my age. Unlike myself, he was a follower of the ways of Marley.

'We didn't know that, and so the plan took place. It ended badly, with the doors of my home being broken down by the Marley Public Security. Guns were pointed at us, and we were forced into questioning. My parents were tortured, their fingers removed. The same almost happened to me, but I was given a chance. That chance was to tell the truth for a lenient sentencing, for not only myself, but my parents as well.

'So I agreed, and in the end, that was not what we were given. Instead, we were placed on a boat and tied by our wrists on a wall. My father's last words to his old friend before he was thrown over the wall, was that after everything... he still trusted him. Myself, my mother and my father knelt side by side on the wall. That was when he came... the man I will remember for the rest of my life. His name... Sergeant Major Gross.

'They pulled out needles, and made us watch as they injected everyone with that serum. I watched on in horror as they turned into Titans. Chasing down any human that was left running away from that wall and eating them. That man took my father by the face, and injected him and my mother himself before turning to me.

'With a smile, he pulled me up painfully and held me over the wall. "Don't let your parents eat you now, little bratty kid." He said before dropping me into the sands. When they saw me, I started running as fast as I could. Yet, my parents weren't the ones who made it to me. Instead, it was one of the other Titans. They scooped me up and opened their gaping mouths. I closed my eyes, waiting for my assured death when my father's Titan attacked them.

'My mother's Titan caught me as I fell before running off, my father killing the one who attacked me before following my mother. They freed my arms and still held the soft smiles I remembered, they just weren't the same anymore. Instead, they were the hulking beasts that were supposed to change the world. I didn't care, because they still protected me.

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