Chapter 5

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Virgil was in a blind panic, only aware of his feet hitting the ground and his nails digging into his palms, praying that Logan was alright. There was a small crowd around a chair, Virgil pushed through this and saw just what he had feared.

Logan Brown, his best friend since he had been a child, was slumped in a chair, paler than death, covered in blood and just clinging onto life. Virgil didn't even register his own voice ordering people to get out of the room.

Virgil sighed and rubbed his hands together, focusing on making them glow purple. "This might sting a little." He muttered, pressing his hands to the place where the blood on Logan's looked the darkest. Logan winced and hissed slightly as the deep cut in his chest healed. Virgil sighed and dropped to the floor next to the chair, clutching his head with bloody hands.

"Logan, what the Hell happened?" He hissed, trying to hear Logan through the sharp pain in his head.

"The... thing that Prince Roman keeps seeing attacked me." Logan tried to straighten himself in the chair. "It wasn't what we thought it was."


Logan winced a little. "It wasn't Malumsine. It was something much more ancient. Something before the 1st century."

"Which means?"

"It's a lot more dangerous. To have stayed alive and still have that much power..." Logan shook his head slightly. "It mustn't be at full power yet."

"Logan, it is!" Virgil yelled, wincing. "Nothing could do that to you without being at full power."

Logan shook his head. "It wasn't. When it attacked me, I felt it's power. It must be able to channel it's power into a human host. I felt it's power and it's anger at not being ready."

"So, a demon from before the 1st century that looks almost identical to Malumsine?" Logan nodded gravely. Virgil bit his nail before leaping up with panic. "Oh God, Logan. Do you know what this is?" Logan shook his head, confused. "We've been looking for a demon but something's just clicked. You remember that folk tale about the evil wizard?"

"Yes, why?"

"Repeat it to me."

Logan looked confused but recited the folk tale anyway. "There was once an old, old wizard. He was powerful beyond belief and feared throughout the land. But that wasn't enough for this wizard. He wanted more. He made a pact with the Devil, offering up his soul for ultimate power. Now, he was truly feared and more powerful than ever before. However, one day, he was destroyed and locked away in a mirror. He grew twisted and dark, his power eating him from the inside out. Still now, he waits and longs for a human host. Why is this important?"

Virgil pointed out of the window at the pitch black sky. "This is not a coincidence. That wizard could do something like this, couldn't he?"

"If he wanted, I suppose. But it's just a folk tale, it's mythical and made up."

Virgil bit down on his thumb nail, tearing it. "So were pegasus'."

Hi, this is a short chapter. Sorry, I've just had a long day.

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