Chapter 1 What

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Emcora stared at the mirror, -

"It's not a mirror, it's a device I built from memory, from way back when I was a fifth dimensional entity! It's called the window of reality, jerk." She ranted, correcting me like the ingrateful worm she is.....

"that's it, we're doing this from my P. O. V. Jerk!" we're having technical difficulties people....

Emcora pov:

After the narrator finally let me have the reins, I stared again, at the tampered with window of reality...

"seriously, again!? First she goes and befriends king boo, now this!? Oh, I'm definitely not going to give her a bazooka for Christmas... In fact I'll confiscate that bomb bag of hers when I finally find her!!" I totally monologued. Out loud. Alone.

I sighed, maybe hanging around the narrator was rubbing off on me...

" okay, let's see... What world did she- oh... Seriously?" I sighed again."blue exorcist, I can't say I didn't see this coming.... She's a brat. So of course she'd go to a universe I try to avoid physically interacting with.... Oh well, at least I get to eat candy... Wait... I'll need some money for that... I guess I'll bring along the universal translator and some gold to traid for cash.... Or... I'll just bring my dimensionally expanded hand bag... Yeah that's a plan." I rattled off to myself.

I sighed once again, for once glad that my power is useful in all but stable worlds..... Yeah, I was not about to think about THAT incident ever again.

With a flick of my wrist my frankly adorable blueberry handbag appeared over my shoulder in a diagonal.

I sighed and activated the window creating a doorway before entering the realm of blue exorcist.


Meanwhile, our protagonist Link was wondering around a construction site with her pet electric chu jelly she named, goo.

"Goo, C'mon, this place is great for pranking people!! Also arson. But I'm more interested in the pranks!!! Goo, you zap em' I laugh, I steal their food, we eat!" Link planed a... Heroic..? Plan.

Well, regardless of if it's heroic or villainous, it was a plan.

The next moment... A... Wait, is that mephisto?! Ehem. A clown walked straight into Links prank with Goo.

Mephisto laughed... No wait it was more of a giggling sound... That zap practically did nothing....

"well hello there! Are you lost? Who may you be...? Child..?" Mephisto was a little bit put off by links age.

Links eloquent reply was, "I have no idea how old I am, I'm from another world and used Emcoras mirror to get here, but I'm Link! I sometimes kidnapped my bestie!!!" she was quite enthusiastic...

Mephisto balled laughing not knowing what else to do at that point. To be honest I don't know what to do with this situation either.... Oh, he just stopped laughing.

" Oh my, that's the second time in a week I've laughed so hard! I am Mephisto Pheles you may call me Mephisto, You said your from another world, and who is this 'Emcora' you speak of?" Mephisto inquiried.

Link grinned up at him. "She's kinda like the guardian of chaos, she's a reality warper apparently... She wrote me up a panflet because she was sick and tired of me getting it wrong, so I'm just gonna read it.... Emcora was born of an imbalance in the fifth dimension long before life sprang in Hyrule, she is a reality warper if the highest order, she destroyed her world by accident and is basically somewhat trapped in the third dimension of reality itself with many of her abilities dampened. To be able to reach worlds she would usually have access to if not for her crime's, she re created a relic from her own universe in the fifth dimension to allow travel and viewing between them. Yeah, that's about the gist of it." Link told Mephisto.

Mephisto seemed thoughtful for a second."Would you like to join my academy?" he already had a plan in mind, all for his own entertainment.

So of course, Link being a hero replied; "YES! Now I regret not bringing my adoptive brother.... We try to kill each other every time we meet up, it's really fun." And Mephisto laughed yet again really not expecting that reply.

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