Chapter 22

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I put the babies to sleep in the crib, not looking or speaking to Alessa once. I then stormed off, closing the door of our room silently. She didn't even call for me from our link. I strode to the gym, glad it was empty, and began working on the punching bag. I was fuming, and it was visible in every punch I threw. I growled and punched the bag into the far wall. I threw a fist into a nearby wall, followed by another. I picked up a weight and threw it into the side wall mirror, making it shatter. I turned to find Alessa standing there.

"Can I help you?" I spoke through gritted teeth, my breathing hard. She looked at me with empty eyes. It drove me over the edge to see how calm she was. I threw a punch into the wall and growled.

"Calm down, Vitale. You've already caused enough damage to this gym," she said. My head snapped toward her, my canines extracting. I could feel my wolf pushing to the surface.

"The gym?" I chuckled humorlessly, "you're worried about a fucken gym?!" I bellowed. She remained still and stoic.

"This isn't your house, so you can't destroy anything you'd like," she said. I rushed toward her and pinned her to the wall.

"What the fuck, Alessa. What the fuck?!" I growled out. "Is that all you care about?! You sure do love me a lot," I said, releasing her and turning away from her. I began walking out the door but stopped momentarily. "If you go on that fight, you can...." I closed my eyes and clenched my hands, "you can forget you have a mate," I finished, feeling her pain instantly. I resisted the urge to turn and beg for forgiveness. To turn around and comfort her, kiss her, and tell her how much I love her. I walked forward.

"You don't mean that," she whispered. "Tell me you don't mean that," she spoke a little louder," I froze, but said nothing. "Daxton," she started. I continued walking, not once looking back.



I waited for Dax to walk in the hall before I punched him. I had heard their argument. I knew he'd hurt her deeply. Dax didn't even flinch, almost as if he had expected me to punch him. I slammed him against the wall.

"You're not gonna defend yourself now? I thought your job was to protect her? Your fucking mate. What a fucken hypocrite," I spat, releasing him and storming off. I stopped halfway and walked toward the gym. I looked back to find Dax just as I'd left him seconds ago. He had made no move to fight. I shook my head and made my way to Alessa. She was cleaning the gym in a shaky form. She bent down to pick up a broken glass and stumbled into it. I was too slow to reach her. She hit the glass-filled floor with a thud as a cry left her lips. Then I saw blood. I picked her up to find glass on her wrist, her legs. "Shit, Lessi," I carefully pulled the glass out from her skin. Not once did she wince. I carried her as tremurs shook her body, tears running down her cheeks. But, no sound left her lips. I made my way to the couch and laid her down. I rushed for a first aid kit and came back. I cursed under my breath as I saw the blood dripping down her wrist. I took out some gauze and set it on her wrist. "Heal yourself, Lessi. Your babies need you," I said. She said nothing. I looked up to see the doctor who rushed to Alessa and quickly got to work. She remained unresponsive.



I walked into my baby girl's room to find Dani looking down at the crib, where my grandkids slept. "Where's Alessa and Dax?" I asked. She looked up and sighed. My smile vanished.

"Alessa went to look for Dax. He didn't look happy," she spoke softly. I nodded.

"Thanks," I said and turned. I spotted Dax walking a few feet away. His head hung low. I was just about to speak when he stumbled slightly. He used the wall to steady himself with one hand. I rushed toward him as he collapsed, barely reaching him before he hit the floor.  "DOCTOR. NOW!" I picked him up and walked him to their room. Dani rushed to my aid when she saw us. We set him on the bed, and she rushed out for help. Seconds later, Alessa was rushing toward Dax, the doctor and Selden following behind.

"What happened?" she asked, inspecting Dax. She frowned as her hand reached his chest. She cursed under her breath.

"He collapsed in the hallway. I barely caught him in time," I said. "You know what's wrong?" I asked. She nodded.

"My dear sister wants war," she stated.



I pressed my hand against his chest. I felt the energy flowing to my palm and into him. He gasped seconds later and turned to me. He looked down at my hand. He bolted up, but my hand stopped him.

"What happened to your wrist?" he asked, anger evident in his eyes. He winced and gripped his chest.

"Please calm down," my voice came out in a whisper. My eyes pleaded with his, and he reluctantly nodded, laying back down. I turned to the others. My dad nodded knowingly.

"Let's all go and leave these two to rest," he spoke, leaving no room for argument. Everyone shuffled out, and the door closed softly behind them.

"Alessa, I'm sorry. Fuck, I never meant what I said. I was angry and-" I brought my hand to his cheek, immediately shutting him up.

"I was the Goddess' doing. She's trying to turn you against me. Your body's weakening because it's fighting against her. I'm sorry, Dax. I have to...." I trailed off. He looked away.

"When?" he asked.

I hesitated before answering, "Tomorrow." He turned slowly toward me but said nothing, only stared. He turned away from me and closed his eyes. A tear slid down his cheek before he opened them again and faced me.

"I've failed to protect you," he chuckled.


"The one task I'm in charge of, and I fucken fail. Fantastic," he said. I wiped the tear.

"You've done your job. Now it's my turn to protect you, all three of you, from the b---sister dear. Can you understand that? Can you please stay out of this one? Everything else, we'll do together. I promise," I said, caressing his cheek. He sighed but nodded. I leant forward and kissed him. He responded and pulled me down next to him. I didn't protest and simply cuddled into him, feeling the exhaustion of the day get to me. The pain I was ignoring all day came back to me full force, but I made sure no sound left my lips.


I think there's two more chapters left in this book. So glad and relieved it's almost done cx. Feedback is greatly appreciated.


Even though this story is done, I still would like feedback

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