bend sinister.

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❝ i met a man in a clean cut suit who called himself a devil with the wings of an angel

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❝ i met a man in a clean cut suit who called himself a devil with the wings of an angel. ❞


Even though she held beaded rosaries in her hands at mass nearly every day; God never seemed to be with Éponine Soliel. 

She knew this when her mother had sat her down at the kitchen table in their quaint little Christian home and had asked her daughter when she planned to wed. To her mother's absolute horror, Èponine had told her that she'd find him when the time was right and she wouldn't go looking for avaliable men to chat up. 

Eventually, her mother had stepped aside in order for her father to step in and restrict her from enjoying things in her dull life spent sitting on pews and confessing her sins to the priest. So, in the dead of night, with a small, glass jar filled with money and all the clothing that the small suitcase could fit, she climbed out of her window and hopped on the first train out of Marseille.

By no means did Éponine know what Small Heath, Birmingham was, nor did she know about the ghost of the corpses and the silent pull of gun triggers that were left by the gang members crawling like roaches around the place.

Never being exposed to the dangers of being on the receiving end of a bullet and a sharpened knife, she didn't notice the red flags that were raised high up in the air as soon as Michael Gray had set his eyes on her, and with a man like Michael; everything he touches gets tainted.


zoia mossour,
éponine soliel

zoia mossour,éponine soliel

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finn cole,
michael gray


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i've recently been thirsting over michael gray and had to be satisfied. i'm sad at the lack of michael fics on here honestly.

bend sinister ⎯ m. grayWhere stories live. Discover now