A gallian welcome party

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(No pov)

Koller: "The year 1935 EC. Two powers controlled the continent.
In the East, the sun rose over the Autocratic East Europan Imperial Alliance,
otherwise known as The Empire."

Pans to the east side of the map. The Empire is colored red, and its flag is
shown. The camera pans westward to the Atlantic Federation, colored in white.
Its flag is also shown.

Koller: "In the West, a network of loosely allied democracies formed
the Atlantic Federation. Both powers depended on a precious mineral, ragnite,
for their survival, and its growing scarcity led to the inevitable war."

[An issue of the Gallian Tribune (a newspaper) is shown. The headline states:
headline is a large picture of a rock of ragnite. Another issue is shown,
OUTLYING REGIONS." A massive picture of Imperial infantry of tanks is below.
Scene shifts back to map, and animated arrows show the movement of Imperial
and Federation forces, with black "X"s marking areas of battle.]

Koller: "Hostilities began in the East whent he Empire aggressively
crossed their western border. The Atlantic Federation responded, and the Second
Europan War (EWII) was on."

Scene shifts to a red scene of Imperial lancers marching forward. They rush
forward through enemy fire, stopping to fire their lances at a hapless
Federation tank, blowing it up with three shots. Other shots show Imperial tanks
rumbling through the ruins of a city.

Koller: "The Empire, with its vast military superiority, struck hard,
gaining ground in early victories and putting The Federation on the defensive.
Emboldened by their progress and momentum, the Empire set their sights beyond
the borders of the Federation."

[Scene goes back to the map, and the camera zooms to the north to focus on
Gallia, labeled in blue, with the flag underneath it. It zooms further, and
red arrows denote the movement of Imperial troops into Gallia.]

Koller: "In neighboring Gallia, a peaceful principality along the sea,
they found their next victim. Gallia had long maintained its neutrality in the
tensions between the two superpowers, but the rich stores of ragnite under
the Gallian soil proved too tempting for the Empire. It amassed troops along
the eastern border, and invaded with all the force of an avalanche. But little have they known of the 7 unique individuals, send by the very heaven themselves that have been sworn to defend Gallia to the very end and change the history of Europa forever"

(March, 1935)
(In the city of Bruhl)
(Still no pov)

Koller: And this is where our story begins in the outskirts of Bruhl where the residents are leaving the town before the invasion, headed
inland towards the capital.

A man walks in the opposite direction towards the city, this man is Welkin Gunther

Welkin: "I haven't been down this road in years. It really hasn't changed
very much."He stops and looks down into the creek next to the road. There are several
fish in the waters.

Welkin: "Whoa. Already?"He said as he then run up to the bank of the creek.

Welkin: "Hey there guys. You're beautiful. Starting early this year. You're
heading upstream, huh? How's the water?"

He throws down his bag and starts sketching.
He is in the middle of sketching when suddenly he can hear screaming coming from the sky but before he can do anything, 7 individuals have landed right next to him which cause him to move back a little. He then look closely at the individual and find that they all wearing strange looking clothing and that some of them even wear various amount of armor all with foreign design.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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