Chapter 1:Pretty Clever

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                                                                       Somebody's Fool

"Hell hath no fury like a scorned woman!"

I have been told that my whole life but I never felt it, and honestly, I never truly understood it. I mean, I have been in many relationships but this one changed my life forever. I never thought I could fall in love with a man so powerful, so mysterious, so charming, and yet so damn condescending. But I did. Although it was hell, I don't regret it for a moment........

It was June 1992, As I Approached my apartment door, I saw a green paper that read 'Eviction Notice'. My clothes were in boxes and the locks on my door were changed.

"Fuck!" What is this? What am I suppose to do now?" I snapped as I grabbed the empty garbage bag that was laying on the floor and started to throw my things into it. I didn't have any more fight in me, I honestly just gave up. I had so many final exams coming up and the last thing I wanted to worry about was a place to live. That was the least of my worries right now. You see, my schooling and my career is my everything. So if that meant I had to sleep in the car until finals were over, that's just what I would have to do. Good thing I was working and in school that occupied most of my day so by the time I got back to my car I would usually just sleep. When in school or at work, I would try to take bird baths by the sink but even that was becoming stressful I was homeless and it was hard but hey at least I have my car right? The only thing I would have to worry about was where I would park every night. I loved being in school and I was about to graduate very soon. This was a dream come true for me to get a Masters Degree in Business Management. My mom would've been so proud of me, but sadly she passed away in a terrible car accident. She was my everything, I miss her presence, her smile, and God she had the sweetest laugh. I hear my Classmates complain about their moms all the time, but mine? She was different. She was the sweetest angel. So, not only was I homeless but I was an orphan. I didn't know my father and well, I haven't heard from my brothers and sisters, or anyone else since the funeral. It pains my heart to know that I have no family, no support system, no one to vent too, literally just nothing. All I have is my work, my career, and my school. That's all that has ever mattered to me.

When I arrived at school, I was particularly early and my books are laid out on my desk. I arrived early to try and get some rest before the lecture started. Although I got some type of rest in my car, it felt so much better in this classroom. The AC in my car was broken so it was hard to sleep. But the AC in this classroom felt amazing so I rested my arms one on top of the other and rested my head on the desk. Before I knew it, my eyes had closed and I drifted off to sleep with my earphones in. The song that I had playing was Keep the faith by Michael Jackson. His music was so inspiring. I always felt so much comfort and healing when listening to him sing. It truly gave me hope, and God knows that is just what is needed right now. It also reminded me of my mom, because she was a huge Michael fan and had even seen him in concert. I felt so much peace and happiness within my dream.....BANG!

Suddenly, There was a loud slam on my desk from one of my classmates. He had slammed his book on my desk to wake me up, causing me to jump and put my hand on my chest. "ANASTASIA!!!" my professor yelled with a slight glare. I looked around the room and noticed that everyone in the class was staring at me impatiently. "You have to present your project for your final exam," he says, crossing his arms. 'Damn it' I thought anxiously. I'm nowhere near prepared because I had so much going on. After losing my mother and my apartment, I guess it just slipped my mind. Hesitantly, I walked to the smartboard, my hands were shaking and my thoughts were racing. What was I going to say? I didn't even do my PowerPoint! It was the final exam and I didn't even do the assignment. I stood in front of the class and took a deep breath before looking at everyone in the classroom staring at me. Fuck."Uhmmm...""We're waiting Miss Whitfield," my professor said impatiently, leaning back in his chair. I look over at him, biting my lip anxiously.

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