Chapter 1

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Rika POV

I’m currently on the way to Cross Academy, I believe that’s what its called at least. ‘I wonder what its going to be like?’ I thought. Unfortunately,  I’ve never really gone to a school before due to some special circumstances. Hopefully the students are nice and help me learn my way around the campus or they could be not so nice and not care at all… Either way, its going to be an interesting and new experience.

When I look outside, I see a big gate. ‘Guess I’m here’. When I get out of the car I see a gentleman standing behind the gates. I quickly pay the driver and make my way towards him. As I make myself closer I see more of his features. He’s tall with glasses, long dirty blonde hair done up in a pony tail. He wore a welcoming and warm expression, he seemed happy to see me. ‘He’s probably like that to the rest of the new students’ I thought to myself.

Once I was in front of the gates, he began talking “Welcome to Cross Academy!”. I stared at him with a soft smile and gave him a thumbs up. I think I heard him mumble “for someone with rainbow hair, she seems kind of silent”. I felt my eye twitch a little ‘Now that’s just plain rude, I’m just not trying to seem overwhelming with my personality.’

With new people, I tend to be more quiet and reserved. It helps when trying to make friends and makes me seem more approachable. Then as I start to get to know them better, I show them more of who I really am. I can be a bit much for most people, as a result I don’t have many friends.

“You must be Rika right?” I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard him say this. “Yes, I’m Rika. You must be Headmaster Cross?” “Yeah that’s me. Now then, why don’t we head to my office to discuss your schedule?” “Of course, lead the way”

On our way to the office, I got to see the academy in more detail. I noticed that most of the ground that the school covered was filled with trees. ‘Seems like a good place to sit back and relax’ I thought. I’ve always loved the outdoors. Out there no one can judge me, I can be free to be myself. Because of that, I spend as much time outside admiring nature. One time I was just enjoying the nature around me when I heard some rustling behind me. As a turned to investigate, I saw the most adorable thing ever. It was a little artic fox! I just couldn’t contain myself and I just sat down and stared at it while constantly saying how absolutely adorable it was. If someone saw me meanwhile this was happening, they would have most definitely thought I was having a fit. Well I was, I call it ‘cuteness overload’. I am incapable of stopping myself when I see a cute animal and go ballistic. But as I was saying, while I was having my moment, the fox was staring at me with its head turned to the side, clearly confused by my actions. After 10 minutes, I was finally able to contain myself and was able to think clearly about the situation. Its weird for an artic fox to be here, since it isn’t their natural habitat. Once that thought came, I let it be assuming it had ran away from its owner.

As time when on I kept seeing the little guy around the forest. I asked around to see if anyone knew about him or knew his owner but no one had a clue. Learning this, I decided to see if I could take him in. It was a slow process, he seemed very weary of human. After a few months, we got fairly close, he let me pet him and everything. I decided to name him Frost for fairly obvious reasons. He turned into my closest companion. Sadly I had to leave him behind, since pets aren’t allowed on campus grounds. I really miss him.

By the time I was finished reminiscing we had arrived at the headmasters office. We discussed my schedule and things of the same note. But there was something I had to ask him. “Now that we’ve finished discussing the schedule, I’ll have someone show you around the campus” “Actually before I go, I have to ask you something” “Oh! Of course, ask away!” “Its about the night class I’ve heard so much about” Once I said that I saw his expression drop and with a sigh, he straightened up and had a  serious expression. “I take this is about the vampires” I was a bit stunned at how straight forward he was, but I quickly recovered. “Indeed, I’m concerned about the safety of the students” “I’d like to inform that we have the situation under control, I set up the disciplinary committee to protect the students from each other were a situation to arise” I paused for a bit and thought ‘Hmmm, if they have the vampires under control I imagine he has lots of well trained members. After all, it I vampires we’re dealing with’. With that in mind I asked “How many member are there?” “There are currently 2 members, my son and daughter”

To say I was shocked would be an understatement, I think he noticed because he expression softened a bit. Before I could retort he said “Now I know you’re concerned but we can’t recruit students to keep it a secret and hunters aren’t willing to help, thinking my project a lunatics endeavor” He seemed frustrated, not at me but at the lack of support that he’s getting. I sighed and simply said “I see, I should get going then” Right as I was about to leave a thought popped up. “Headmaster, how did you know” “Know what?” “That I knew about the vampires in the campus” “I do a thorough background check before I accept anyone into my academy of course!” He once again had a smile on his face. I gave him a look that said I didn’t buy it. He sighed and said “And I have connections to the hunters” Satisfied with his answer I left the room.

Outside there was a girl waiting for me. She had short brown hair and deep red/brown-ish eyes. Once she heard the door open, she looked up at me and smiled but paused for a bit. Most likely because of my hair and eyes, they’re both rainbow. My eyes have always been like that, while my hair is dyed; Naturally my hair is brown.

I smiled at her and said “Hello my names Rika, I’m new here” She snapped back to reality and said “Oh sorry! I got a bit distracted” She awkwardly laughed while rubbing the back of her head, clearly embarrassed. “Its alright, I should be apologizing for keeping you waiting for so long” “No! It really isn’t a problem” She chuckled and smiled at me. ‘ She seems like a nice girl, I’ll see if we can become friends’


The next few hours were spent with Yuki as she showed me around. We bonded and talked about different things. She told me that the headmaster was her dad, adoptive dad but a dad none the less. She also told me about her brother, Zero Kiryu. Once she said that name I was shocked. I thought the famous Kiryu hunters had all been killed. I made a note to myself to see if I could talk to him.
As the sun was setting Yuki finished off the tour “And this is the moon dorms, this is where the night class stays. Now I have to clarify, its forbidden to go there as a member of the day class” ‘I might as well tell her I know’ With a sigh I turned to her and said “Yuki, I know that the night class are vampires” She was surprised I knew and immediately began denying it. “What vampires? They don’t exist” “Yuki, I’m a vampire hunter”

Once I said that, I noticed she got stiff and adopted a defensive stance. To ease her a bit I said “Don’t worry, I’m not here to hurt anyone. As far as I know nobody in the night class has done anything that the organization sees as a punishable action” She eased up a bit but she was still rattled.

Not wanting to bother her anymore I decided to say goodbye and head to my dorm. I quickly got into my room and unpacked my things, they had been sent to the school ahead of time.

As I laid in bed I thought about my conversation with Yuki. I felt a bit of regret over it, not because of what I said but because of her reaction. ‘I really hope this doesn’t hinder my chances with becoming friends with her’ Regardless I have to stay positive that even if she doesn’t want to be my friend others might want to.

With a sad smile I closed my eyes, anxiously waiting for tomorrow.

Word count: 1544

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