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WARNINGS: None! a cute chapter to start the book off!

"Hey John!" 

Someone yelling my name jolts me out of my thoughts, and back to the present. I'm sitting in a coffee shop right across from my dorm building. Weird right? A dumbass like me, going to collage with a bunch of rich, smart, assholes?

I turn my head to see who had called my name. Oh. It was him.

A handsome man walks up to me, his eyes full of excitement. His name is Alexander Hamilton, and hes been my crush for YEARS. We have been thru a lot together, high school, my dad kicking me out, a brutal break up with my abusive ex. He had seen it all. The good, the bad, and especially the ugly.

"Hey jack, guess what I just did!"  He says cheerfully as he sits down, keys twirling around his middle finger.

"Oh no, what did you do now, Alex??" I ask, sighing.

"Weeeeellll" he starts, using the ~please don't be mad at me voice~. "I may have broken a chair over Thomas's headdd" 

I face-palm. He is SO going to be getting sued by Jefferson. 

"Annywayyyys," he says, changing the subject. "I also brought you something!"

I cocked my head. Alexander doesn't usually have time to think about getting anyone presents, because hes always so busy writing. or doing what smart people do, IDK.

"OK, what is it?" I ask. 

He reaches into his book bag and pulls out a small, pink rectangle shaped envelope. he handed it to me. It was thick, and I could tell that there were 2 pieces of paper inside. i give Alex a questioning look as i open it up and slide the pieces out. 

"Alex.." i say freaking out. "You DID NOT!!" 

"Oh yes i did!!" He says, his smile wide as ever.

I pick one of the tickets up and read it.


They were to the biggest fireworks show in the country. It was free to watch, but you could reserve a spot, so you could see the fireworks better. Alex had reserved a beautiful spot of land for us to watch the show on. Right where we could see everything. 

I looked up at him. he was the greatest friend i could ever ask for!

"Alex! thank toy so much!!" i practically yelled as i leaped onto him, and gave him a huge hug.

i couldn't wait for the fourth of July.

~~~~ Time skip brought to you by Jefferson, if he was a bottom!~~~~~

(driving to the show) 

Id been giddy all day, heck id been jumping around since he'd given me the tickets.

We were about halfway there when my favorite song came on. 

"ALEX, ALEX TURN IT UP"  i yelped at him. He laughed and complied.

"They say oh my god I see the way you shine
Take your hand, my dear, and place them both in mine
You know you stopped me dead while I was passing by
And now I beg to see you dance just one more time"

i waved my arms and wiggled my hips.

i was screeching the lyrics when...

"I said oh my god I see you walking by
Take my hands, my dear, and look me in my eyes
Just like a monkey I've been dancing my whole life
But you just beg to see me dance just one more time"

Alexander was singing. He had the most beautiful voice i'd ever heard. i didn't think i could fall deeper in love with him,

Yet here we are.

~~~~~~Another time skip brought to you by grandma smell in a can.~~~~~~~

(on the plot of land Alex rented)

We sat down on the blanket  laid out on the grass, waiting for the fireworks to start. I pulled out a box of cookies, choc. chip, Alexanders favorite. and nonchalantly started to monch on one. 

Alex smelled it immediately ofc.

"Hey!! gimme some!" he complained. Then he snaches the cookie out of my hands, shoving it into his mouth. I laugh, right then the fireworks start.

They are beautiful


 filling me with courage.

I decide that tonight ill make my move. Tonight is the night.

i scoot closer to Alex every chance i get. He notices and lays his arm around my shoulders. 

The last firework goes off, and everyone is clapping. 

I take my chance, my heart fluttering in my chest.

"Alex.." I say, and he looks down at me, his eyes twinkling, his smile bright.

I kiss him. I move my head upwards, placing my lips on his. at first he seems startled, then he returns the kiss. 

i pull away, tears in my eyes.

"Finally!!" Alex exclaims.

"What??" I ask, worried.

" I've wanted to do that for YEARSS! Now come over here and give me another kiss!" He says, pulling me towards him.


jeez thats the longest thing ive ever writen lmao, but im pretty proud of it!! My first oneshot so please give me mercyyy!!

(this was suggested by sherlock-jon-laurs) go follow them!!

word count- (834 words)  

<3- Kiwi

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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