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So ummmmmmmm I got tagged... I really dunno how the heck this is supposed to work but ok!

I was tagged by Keefe_x_Sophie

1. I dunno. Maybe R.R?

2. Funny things do.

3. Either the Library, the book store, a cemetery, or a swimming pool.

4. I would rather not say her name, but she's amazing. In every way.

5. Any one of the Marvel movies, or the Princess Bride.

6. To 1. Make it through Quarantine with my sanity, and 2. To actually finish my works.

7. Reading, on Wattpad, and hanging out with my friends.

8. I can't really describe it, but I have this thing where everything has to be even. If I touch something with my right hand, I have to touch it with my left hand. Especially when I'm chewing. It's weird.

9. Annoying. Still is.

10.I mean I'm technically still a kid sooooo...

11. I like waiting in the weirdest places and then jumping out at people whilst screaming 'TECHNOLOGY'.

12. Well two of my friends (both boys) call me "cloud," because "when I go away, it's a bright, sunny day." Yeah. I call them 'Peasants.'

13. Probably my fifth grade teacher, Mme Levesque Smuk, because she was amazing.

14. Nope.

15. I'm as single as a freaking Pringle. I have no words of advice.

So yeah.

Imma tag:





Aaaaaand that's it.

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