
I did it-

Janus P.O.V

I walk downstairs in my costume, preparing for the Halloween party the other sides were throwing. Remus said his costume was a 'surprise'. I was kind of excited to see it.

"Nice ass." I turned and saw the most beautiful thing in the world. Remus Sanders. "Right back atcha~" I reply lustfully.

"Now now, Jay, we can't have you banging me before the party," Remus said, walking down the rest of the stairs and next to me. I scoff and we sink out to the lightscape. We arrived in a club-like place with a dance floor, a kitchen-like area with a buffet of food and a speaker station. Everything looked scary there but the music. I saw Virgil wasn't enjoying it, but then again, neither was I.

"Hello, pleasure being here~" I announced making us known.

"Hiya! Would you guys like something to eat?" Patton asked, pointing towards the buffet loaded kitchen. With no hesitation, Remus ran over.

"Patton can I pick a song~?" I asked, leaning down to his level. He nodded leading me to the station where the speakers were. I chuckled lowly, ready to blast real Halloween music. And by that, I mean 'My family' from the Addams family. I hit play and all things changed. I stepped away and let the magic happen. Remus stopped eating and came over. I was highly surprised I didn't see a single stain on the white dress he was wearing. "Lemme guess- it was you?" he asked unsurprised. I simply flashed a sly smile and looked at all of the sides, now up and dancing.

(The next song playing is In love with a monster by Fifth Harmony)

I saw Remus's eyes light up. I felt a tug on my hand and suddenly I was dancing with everybody else. We were swaying back and forth like we were in a ballroom. For once, I was having fun.

Virgil P.O.V

I sat out for this song because of how tired I was. I felt someone sitting next to me and I looked over to a tired roman. I glance towards Remus and Janus. I've never seen them happier. I chuckle a bit. That caught Romans' attention. "You tired?" he asks. I reply with a simple nod and rest my head on his shoulder.

We hear 'Come little children' come on, and everyone is slow dancing. Except for the caterpillar and white queen. Janus was apparently too shy to ask for the slow dance. I stand and make my way to Remus and take him to the dance floor and began the dance with him. Roman seemed to understand and grabbed Janus to drag him to the dance floor as well. We spun and danced gracefully across the dance floor until I got closer to Roman. Then we switched. Remus and Janus were now dancing together, and they were so smooth they were doing better than all of us on this dance floor. Remy and Emile left though. I guess they didn't like the party. Oh well. Their loss.

Remus P.O.V

If you didn't know, I'm internally screaming so hard right now. I am officially dancing with Janus Sanders. If I could scream right now I would. I was also scared because the song was ending.

It ended. Great.

Thriller came on, though. I could tell this was Patton's favorite song. He was dancing like crazy and no one was stopping him. Virgil joined in. Man, they looked like crackheads. I looked over tower Janus was grabbing some chocolate and coming back over, leaning against the wall. I mustered up the courage to talk to him. "Hey, Jay," I said, going to stand next to him.

"Hello, Remus" he said in a low monotone voice.

"I can tell you wanna leave Jay," I said, grabbing his hand. I felt him flinch so I went to let go but he held tighter.

"Is that a blush I see?"I ask and he immediately let go and sank out. 'Damn it, did I take it too far?' I asked myself. I sank out after him to see him walking upstairs. Guess he was tired. 'oh well' I thought and sank out to my own room. 'why was he blushing? forget it he'll never like me.' At least... that's what I thought.

Janus P.O.V

I sat in my room thinking about Remus holding my hand. Oh, how I wish that lasted longer. But I let go. Damn, and he noticed my blush, didn't he? I give up. I snapped myself into some comfortable clothes, drifting off, and letting my mind settle on Remus for the rest of the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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