Nature II

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Some more poems about nature.... I figured I would space 'em out for you guys. ~ June


I hear the thunder,

And I wonder...

Is Thor angry?

Or is he helping save us?

The mystery behind lightning...

What's it's deal?

Is it's controller friend to Thor?

Or are they a very bad foe?

The water that falls with them,

Is it because they are failing?

Or are they crying?

Either way I am consumed by curiosity.

All I want to do is to know and help.


It makes everything seem gloomy,

It makes everyone tired.

Anyone who goes in contact with it,

Loses their sight slowly.

Then all of a sudden two bright lights approach...

Is it an angel?

A savior?

Or is it God himself?


You're dead!

Humming Birds:

I saw a wonderful bird today.

It's head covered by a blue mask,

It's body in a silky green suit.

It floated in the air by the Zinnias.

It flapped it's blurring wings,

Eighty times in a second and stayed there.


Their wings delicate like a thin layer of ice.

Their bodies blacker than night.

Their wings stronger than a million wrestlers.

Look closely, if not you might miss them.

For they are the last few mystical creatures we have left.

We shall not kill for fun and prizes, but only for food.

We should not kill them,

For they are among the last ones surviving,

Making it by in this hell.

 The Bear:

As she walks she sways,

Her weight slides,

Right left,

Right left.

Her cub runs in and around,

Weaving itself underneath her.

She looks down at him,

Her perfect picture of innocence.

Her mood changes,

She thinks back to yesterday.

A man with a gun almost had him,

She charged the man and almost,

Almost ripped him limb from limb,

But others were coming,

So she took her cub and ran.

Mother Grizzly Bear,

You are oh, so protective and righteous.


Your silk soft fur,

Makes many believe you're harmless.

But you're not just prey,

You're a predator.

A predator with sharp teeth,

Always dressed up nice,

In you're fancy tux.

You keep your young warm, and safe.

Close by, but far away.

You know when it's time,

To let them leave the nest.

Survival of the fittest,

That's what the world teaches us.

Yet you teach us, too.

To have a mask to our enemies,

But be true to the ones that really matter...


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