Chapter 20

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Beep beep beep beep beep

I moved my hands around to try and turn off my alarm but could not find it anywhere, instead someone grabbed my hand which caused me to open my eyes. I blinked a few times to clearly my vision and saw my mom standing beside me

"Mom?" I ask confused and look around me to see I'm in a hospital bed with an IV up my arm, and a machine close to me is monitoring my heart rate and pulse. I try to sit up but my mom stops me

"Shh honey, don't sit up too fast" she says

"Why am I in a hospital bed?" I ask super confused. "What happened to me" I ask just as a doctor and my dad walk in

"Good, you're awake" the lady doctor says "how are you feeling?" she asks

"I think i'm fine, but why am I here?" I ask

"You fainted at school dear, your brothers brought you in quite worried" the doctor says "do you remember how you felt before you fainted?" she asks, assessing me. I explained to her the ringing, the vision blurring and everything else I felt.

"Has she been feeling stressed lately?" she asks my parents

"She's started to get better, but yes she's been stressed the past couple months" my dad answers

"Well it seems here that the stress caught up to her." she says and says my body reacted to the stress which triggered an internal panic attack. Both things hit me at once and caused me to black out.

"She'll be fine, just make sure she gets lots of liquids and rest for a couple of days,"the doctor says. My dad accompanies her to get my discharge papers and I sit up and put on my sweater since I was disconnected from everything

"You gave everyone quite the scare" my mom says

"I didn't mean to" I apologize

"Don't apologize, you couldn't have known what was going to happen." she says. I stand up slowly and feel fine but my mom still links her arm through mine as we walk out and head to the car

"Let's get this kid home" my dad says relieved that i'm fine

"Mme. Violet made you some nice soup, and after you eat it's straight to bed" mom says and I don't argue. Though I feel better physically I feel a shadow looming over me and I wish I could shake it off.

When I get home my brothers bombard me with questions but my mom calms them down "are you okay ro?" Ric asks worried

"I'm fine guys, I'm just some peace and quiet." I reassure them. We all eat dinner and the boys crack a joke out of the situation.

"You should have seen the look of the nurses when we all brought you in like crazy people" Ric comments and Ray tries to recreate a face which makes us laugh. After dinner we enjoy a movie and head to bed. I called Heather and Amanda to let them know I was fine before bed.

The next day, my mom is quiet and weird around me, and keeps glancing at me with worry. When I ask her what's wrong she says nothing and is just making sure i'm fine. I don't believe her but I drop it.The boys want to ride with me to school, and we pick up my friends in the jeep so I sit in the back with them. On the ride to school I open my phone to instagram and see pictures of Maribel all over my feed

"Oh she's stunning" Amanda comments peeking at my phone "do you know her?" she ask

"She's my best friend from France" I say with a smile and my brothers peek at the rear view mirror at the mention of maribel. I continue to scroll looking for an explanation as to why people are posting her on their stories and feed until I stop at Maddies post and read it.

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