Leaving Home

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My name is Avia Stark, the eldest daughter of Ned Stark only three years older than Robb. My hair was the deepest red in my family. Sansa and Mother's hair was more orange than red. Mine looked as if it was dipped in wine and left to stain. My eyes light blue flecks of grey and green scattered throughout them. Build and looks-wise I was like my mother. Father had brought home Dire wolves for use some time ago my wolf was colored black, and grey mixed with hints of red through his coat.  His eyes were warm brown with flecks of gold. I named him Ember as he looked like an Ember of coal. Spending most of my days at Winterfell chasing after Arya and teaching her how to throw knives and use a bow. Soon she was better than me. Arya and I got along wonderfully both preferring to do activities meant for boys. Holding my bow I practiced even if my mother hated it. I could outshoot any of my siblings. One day we got news The King was coming. I styled my hair as I got ready for our guests leaving it down to fall around my face which my mother hated. I let the handmaid pin my left side back in a braid. The pin she used had the direwolf on it the symbol of our house. Mother had me get Arya ready as she helped Sansa.  She had taken off as soon as she could get away from me.

"Arya!" I called even though there was no use. I find my mother as Bran runs off. She has me stand next to her and my other siblings as the hooves got closer.

"Where is Arya? Sansa, Avia where is your sister?" Mother looks at us I look to Sansa and we both shrug.

Arya comes running with a helmet dad takes it. She was just in time as horses came in. Prince Joffery was the first notable face I saw following him was a man. I had heard of but didn't believe he was as big as they said my eyes focus on him with the hound helm. Only looking away when the King and his guard come from behind the cart. Rob nudges me raising an eyebrow realizing he had seen me staring I ignore him looking to the king. We all kneel to the king until gestured to stand my dad and Robert had a joyous reunion. He comes down the line to greet us.

"Who have we here?" We arranged in age except Robb being the eldest boy was first. "You must be Robb." The king shakes Robbs hand. Walking onto me, "Avia, Firstborn yet to marry. Don't see why." He gestures to me before moving onto Sansa "Aye, your a pretty one." Then to Arya," You're name is?"

"Arya," She answers. As he moves on.

"Show us your muscles." He says to Bran he does. "You'll be a soldier."

I hear Arya begin talking about Jamie Lannister. The Queen's twin brother. Before Sansa told her to shut up. The Queen walks up only greeting my Parents. The King and my Father go to our crypts. As we are dismissed. I don't wander far watching The Hound in amazement unsure why I was fascinated by him.

"Why are you staring at The Hound?"Robb asked.

"No reason!" I turn startled by my little brother. "I just thought the stories about him had been embellished. To make him seem scarier."

"Well, if you keep staring you'll attract unwanted attention you might as well go get ready for the feast," Robb said moving me along. 

"Avia," I hear Theon call. Turning to see Theon," Save me a spot at the feast?" He teases winking.

"Theon," I smirk at him. "I told you before,"

"Yeah, Yeah, I am like a brother to you." He says extending his arm., "That doesn't stop some people you know." 

"Well, I am not some people." I take it letting him guide me through the hall. " And anyway until you stop whoring. I wouldn't even think of letting you marry me let alone take my maiden."

"Such disgraceful talk for a lady." He teases as we stop at my door to my room. He lets me go and walks off. Shaking my head I go change into something more formal. Slipping into a lighter in weight but darker in a color dress instead of grey this one was black made to hug me tighter than the previous one. Sleeves tight to my elbows flowing slightly down to my wrists the details were done in a light blue-grey. I twirl my hair up into and nice knotted bun on my head leaving pieces flowing by my face to frame it. I wasn't actively looking for a husband but I always did dress my best to at least try.

The Hound's Little Wolf~Sandor Cleagane~Where stories live. Discover now