Chapter 4: The Investigation

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Ok Updates so the story works!

um the deaths and murders happen a few weeks ago.

um yeah thats all i think, thanks for reading i hope you enjoy this new chapter


We arrived home to letters from Nora. She was our friend who was in america. I called for a Letter opener and slit open the letters. Drawings of dragons greeted us. I smiled to myself, Nora was a talented artist and was doing some exhibitions on her trip to america. I took off my overcoat and Gave it to Mary with a thanks. I drew out the sheaf of papers and started toward the library. my cane gave a tik tak against the floor. The sound of squids heeled boots followed me down the hall. I flung open the doors(because I was feeling dramatic) and stomped into the room toward my desk. Squid snatched a book from the many that were littered on the floor by the fireplace. As I tossed the papers onto my desk and flopped into my chair. She picked up her glasses for my desk and perched herself on the arm of my chair.

"Well, are we going to read them?" she asked me to put her glasses on. I sat up and reached for the papers . I handed them to her and sat back in my chair with closed eyes and steepled hands. She started to read. First we covered the details of the death of Alexandra and then of Emma. Then we came to the papers of Lady Elizabeth. She had been murdered in a very gruesome fashion. She was poisoned from arsenic then had her heart and ring fingers taken. Squid gave a shudder and put down the papers. I sighed and shook my head.

"This tells us nothing! " I exclaimed with anger. Squid put a hand on my shoulder and looked at me. " What are we supposed to do with this, I'm...uhg" I put my head in my hands. I had an ache in the back of my head and was growing and I sighed. I stood up and walked to one of the chairs in front of the hearth. Squid cam and sat across from me opening a book. I rang for tea. I sat there thinking with only the sound of the crackle of burning wood and the turn of pages from the book Squid was reading. After about an hour I asked if squid would like dinner. I rang for mary to bring us food in the library. After a few more hours of quiet, Squid set down her book and peered over her glasses at me. "Are you ok" she said

"I'm fine '' I said with my head in my hands. I was tired and my head was hurting and sending white lights through my vision. I stood up. "I'm going to bed," I told her and turgid out of the room. I walked up the flight of stairs and down several hallways to my room. I changed and got into bed. my head was pounding but i tried to think. Arsenic was nearly imperceptible, it made people really sick before eventually killing them. Then the killer had taken her heart and ring fingers. I rolled over. My headache was still miserable and I put a pillow over my head and ground. I was finally able to fall asleep. I awoke at around 2 in the morning. I had a feeling that something was wrong. At that moment Mary knocked on the door and said Logan was here to see us. I shook squid awake and we quickly dressed. I grabbed my cane and hurried down the stairs with Squid on my heels. I stormed into the front room. Logan was there looking pale and sleep deprived.

"What is it Logan ?" I asked standing in the doorway with squid by my side.

"The found another" he huffed

"Another what?" I said

"Another body...with its heart missing and the ring fingers gone"


We stepped out of the carriage at the crime scene. I was met with a tall young man with dark hair and light eyes. He gave me a weary look as Squid and Logan climbed out of the carige behind me. I held out my gloved hand to him "Mack Gallagher '' I said to him. He smiled politely but I kept my face still. "Inspector Heart'' he said shaking my hand.

"This is Lady Beth and Mr. Logan, we are her to inspect the crime." I said to him, resting my hands on my cane. He looked at me and said "I'm sorry I can't let you in... wait are you Mack, who likes to help with cases?" he said. I gave a tight lipped smile "Yes I am, and I hope we become friends so I don't have to go through the trouble of introductions again, take me to the body '' We walked after him. Squid was on my arm and Logan was close behind us. We walked into a house and into the library. I stepped forward. There were several officers in the room. I banged my cane on the ground and shouted "Everyone out now!" They all look up and I level a cool glare at them. They look to the inspector who gives a nod and they scurry off. I walk forward to inspect the body of a young blond woman on the ground.

"Name" I say as I inspect the body.

"M-miss Moriah"


"Years 10 and 6"

"Squid go do your thing in that corner and not next to me please, thank you" I stand and circle the body. I level a sharp gaze at Logan. "How do we know she had arsenic poisoning?"

"Uh we, don't it was just an assumption based on the missing..." he gestured at the bloody hand and chest. I frowned at him

"I thought you knew better,'' I say brushing down the front of my coat. "Perform a post mortem on her please '' I say as I head toward the corner where Squid is leaning against a wall with her eyes closed. I stand by her side silently until she opens her eyes and looks up at me. I let out a shiver, her icy blue gray eyes seem to stare right through me. "well?" I ask

"I'll tell you in the carige let's get going, " she says and I follow without another word.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi me just wondering if you would like longer chapters? Thanks again for reading!

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