Big City Girlfriend (IvyxFem!Reader)

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"You're back! You're really back!"

"Not for long, I'm afraid. A week at best."

"Well, I know that, Ivy, but I get to see you right now and that's enough for me."


Ivy tapped her foot anxiously. "So... we're going back to Boston for a caper?"

"Yup. VILE just can't stay away from the big city, apparently." Player cleared up. "Why? Scared?"

"No! I'm... I'm excited." Ivy said defensively. "I haven't been back to Boston in a really long time. I'm happy to be going back."

Zack looked over at Carmen and raised an eyebrow. Carmen made a gesture that looked an awful lot like zipping her lips shut, smiling a little at the end.

"If Ivy's excited, we all should be. After all, this is where I met you guys." Carmen said a little too knowingly for Zack's taste. "I'm sure Ivy just wants to be back in the city she grew up in, right Ivy?"

"Yeah, totally!" Ivy cleared up. "C'mon, Zack, you can't tell me that you're not excited! This is where we grew up." She said with a huge smile, elbowing her brother in the ribs gently.

"Yeah, I guess." He said, side-eying his sister.

About an hour or so later, the jet landed.

Ivy was the first one off.

"Imgonnagolookaroundthecityseeyouguyslaterbye!" She forced out all in one breath as she ran off into the city.

Zack crossed his arms. "What's up with her?"

Carmen turned to him, eyes unusually dark. "What do you care? She's happy and exploring the city. She'll meet us back at the hotel."

Zack backed up slightly. "I didn't mean to be rude. I just haven't seen her this happy since she met..." he trailed off. "Oh!"

"'Oh' what?" Player asked, confused. "Am I missing something here?"

"Ivy hasn't been that happy since she met her girlfriend." Zack breathed, laughing. "I can't believe I forgot about that."

"That's why she's so happy to be back?" Shadowsan asked, crossing his arms.

"It's their anniversary today. Three years together." Zack explained, grinning. "We probably won't see her much this week."

—Y/n's POV—

Y/n sighed, staring out the window, missing her girlfriend terribly. She hadn't seen her in almost two years, and the facetimes only made her feel better for a few hours.

She was startled out of her daydreams of running in flower fields with her girlfriend by a knock at the door.

She got up, stretching slightly. "Door's open!" She called, going to put her cup of tea in the sink.

The door creaked open, and soon a terribly out of breath redhead was standing in the kitchen doorway.

"Y/n." She panted, standing up straighter and holding her arms out for a hug. "I missed you."

Y/n just stared for a moment before tears sprang into her eyes and she ran across the room, throwing her arms around the redhead.

Her redhead.

"Ivy!" She practically screamed, happy tears pouring down her cheeks as she peppered the taller girl with kisses. "You're back! You're really back!"

"Not for long, I'm afraid. A week at best." Ivy muttered, hands finding their way to Y/n's shoulder blades.

"Well, I know that, Ivy, but I get to see you right now and that's enough for me." Y/n whispered, pressing a kiss to Ivy's cheek. "I missed to so much."

"I missed you too, sugar." Ivy laughed, picking the shorter girl up and spinning her around. "You're so beautiful, sweetest, the phone screen does you no justice." She gushed, kissing all over Y/n's neck and face.

Y/n blushed, moving some stray hairs out of her face. "You and your flattery." She whispered. "You're also gorgeous and... oh, wow, Ives, you got buff." She said faintly, admiring her girlfriend's toned arm muscles. "God, you could crush me and I'd thank you." She muttered, just loud enough for Ivy to hear.

"Oh?" Ivy asked, raising an eyebrow as she squatted, wrapping her arms around Y/n's thighs, tightening her arms slightly as to not let Y/n slip out of her grasp. "Like this?"

"Ivy!" Y/n squealed, a grin breaking out on her face. "Stop it!" She cried playfully, slapping Ivy's arms lightly.

Ivy lifted her off the floor, smiling. "I like the view from down here." She commented.

Y/n rolled her eyes, placing a hand on both of Ivy's shoulders, leaning down and kissing her softly. Ivy smiled into the kiss, setting Y/n down and wrapping her arms around her waist.

Y/n tangled her hands in Ivy's hair, pulling her closer. Eventually, they pulled away, needing to breathe, and Y/n grinned like a lovesick idiot.

To be fair, she was a lovesick idiot.

"Do you want to bake with me?" She asked. "I have stuff for cakes, or we could make cookies, you could bring them to your friends!"

"That sounds lovely, N/n." Ivy cooed, pressing a soft kiss to Y/J's hand. "Let's go!"

—About two hours later, Ivy's POV—

Ivy snapped out of her half-asleep daze as the oven beeped. Y/n was asleep at her side, both of them apparently having fallen asleep cuddled on the couch watching (Your favorite movie). Ivy moved her gingerly, trying not to wake her sleeping girlfriend.

She walked into the kitchen, putting on a pair of oven mitts and sliding the cookie sheet out of the oven, setting it on a folded towel to wait for them to cool. Arms wrapped around her waist.

"Mmm." A sleepy Y/n mumbled. "You're so warm, Ives. Please never leave me."

Ivy turned, pressing a sweet kiss to Y/n's lips. "I can't promise that I'll never leave again, but I can promise it won't be two years before you see me again, okay?"

"I missed you." Y/n whispered, burying her head in the crook of Ivy's neck. "I'm going to miss you. So much. And now that I've had you I'm gonna feel so empty, Ivy. I love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart. I'm gonna miss you so much, but... maybe I can convince Carmen to let you come on a few missions with us. You are pretty damn good at sewing, and we need costumes for our next heist."

"I'd like that."

"So would I."

{The End}

[1092 words!]

//Guess who's back? Me! I hope you guys enjoyed this lil fluffy chapter. I loved writing it. Thank you guys for 800+ reads! That's so epic of you guys ilysm. Have a great day/night! Bye!~

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