Chapter 2

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'You've got to be kidding me' i said and both jacks started laughing

'Try not to have too much fun sis' Johnson said

'Yeah we wouldn't want to miss out' gilinsky said and they laughed even harder

'How comes I'm the only one going to this shithole' i asked still staring at it

'Because you like to sneak out and get high or go to parties or vandalise you on a first name basis with the police you've been suspended more times than me and jack could count on both our fingers' gilinsky says

'You sneak out and get high and go to parties' i reply

'No we get permission to go out but we just don't tell them where were going and we've only been suspended twice each' Johnson says

'My ass you've been suspended twice' i said and let out a laugh

'Twice that they know about' gilinsky says and winks

'Dont wink at me that's weird' I said and slap his chest while waiting for my mum and dad to sort all the paperwork out

'Hey don't make us humiliate you on your first day' gilinsky says

'Like I give a fuck this place is full of whores that are probably pussys' i say pointing to some girls wearing barely any clothes 'nerds that are also pussys' I say pointing at a group of girls and boys playing checkers 'oh and look more pussys, pussys everywhere' i say and the jacks laugh.

'Heres your stuff' my mum and dad say passing me my black suitcase and some paperwork

'Bye' i said sarcastically waving to my mum and dad because I was beyond pissed at them for sending me here and they just awkwardly got in the car

'Im gunna miss you guys loads' I say and let out a huge sigh

'Me too, your annoying as fuck, but I love you' Johnson says and I hug him really tightly

'I love you too jj' i reply breaking the hug

'Bro, try not to miss me too much' i say and hug gilinsky

'Ill try not to but It will be really hard, I love you so much Lols (my nickname) you make the house much more funnier it's going to be dead without you here, oh and speaking of dead if anyone fucks with you or breaks your heart I'll be down here as fast as I can' that's when then overprotective side of jack comes out

Me and the jacks have a great relationship we can be mean to eachother and take it as a joke but were always there for eachother and can tell each other anything and they'll take it to their grave, it's the best relationship.

'I can take care of myself' I say and give him one last hug and make my way to the entrance.

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