New Faces

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I can't believe I accidentally deleted this, but I was able to get it back :P Please vote and comment! xoxoxo, Brooke


I'm Emma Chota. I am sixteen years old and I am here for my eating disorder. Anorexia, to be exact. I was fourteen when it started, when the girls at my school in Bakersfield became even more horrible than they already were. They made me feel worthless and ugly, and I decided to do something about it. Only, that one decision would lead me to where I am now, at Ocean Park Hospital. Now, it's not as bad as you might think. They even let us decorate our rooms, to feel just a little more at home. I don't have a roommate either, which I actually found nice. You know, the privacy. I've never been one to go chasing after someone and I didn't want the same being done to me, not that it would ever happen. No one acknowledged me, because I am invisible. Always have been and I always will be.

I needed this time to think, but Brittany just brought my breakfast. She and Kenji were going out later (No, not that kind of out) and I was going to have Nurse Jackson keeping an eye on me. I guess they were all afraid that I was going to throw everything back up. I mean, that's what I always did before I was brought here.

"Eat up!" Brittany said in that cheerful voice I was so use to. I had been at Ocean Park for a month, so I didn't even need to look at someone to know who it was. Voice recognition was definitely my friend, as I was too embarrassed to actually look anyone in the eyes. After all, no one would ever understand why someone could become anorexic.

"Are you gonna eat that or not? The food here sucks and yours is made…special." Kara Souders said, sitting on the mattress. Kara was the typical high school mean girl. Cheerleader, blonde, demanding, a bitch…She was also at Ocean Park because she had an enlarged heart, probably caused by all the drugs she used. Kara was a drug addict, but she was still in denial and would actually smoke in her room.

"Have it." I sighed, picking up my copy of Twilight.

Kara grabbed the sausage biscuit off of my tray and I avoided watching her take my food, immersing myself in the roller coaster romance of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. I was dating Leo Roth and while he wasn't a vampire, I found him just as appealing. I just wished that he understood my….condition a little better. He had his leg removed due to Osteosarcoma and he was using a wheelchair until he got his prosthetic leg.

"You're still reading that? It's so…2008. Check out 50 Shades of Grey, it's based off of a Twilight fan fiction and it's totally hot."

"I'm not into erotic fiction, thank you very much." I answered softly, my eyes still glued to the page.

"Right, you probably couldn't relate to it anyway." Kara smirked before she turned on her heels and exited the room, thankfully. I knew that was some form of an insult, but I was way too tired to try and figure it out.

After about an hour of reading time, I was starting to grow sort of tired of sitting in the room. I'd read two chapters and now I was just going to walk around the hospital (walking burns calories) until it was time for my group therapy session. I couldn't say I was looking forward to it, because it usually consisted of talking about the very thing I was most afraid of; losing control.

I walked into the hallway and I immediately noticed another girl from the Eating Disorders Unit, Hadley Ramirez. I only spoke to her every once in a while, but she had Anorexia just like me. Most of the time, I just avoided talking to anyone else on my ward, because seeing someone else with an eating disorder gave me more anxiety than I could handle. But Hadley was sitting at a table by herself, with a barely eaten tray of food.

"I"m just taking my time." She looked right at me. "Don't rush me."

"Sorry…." I turned and started to walk towards the door, until I heard her footsteps behind me.

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