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*long ass chapter ahead*

Today was her funeral.....my noona's funeral. Oh how much I wished I could hear her call me Tae. But...I was too blind to appreciate her.

Many children from school attended the funeral. Even Jungkook. He was so damn guilty. I became a cold person. No one would dare to talk to me until they had a death wish.

I went next the coffin and sat beside it. Caressing the lid.

"Noona....please wake up now.... I promise I will treat you better...I'll believe you...I'll never let you suffer alone.... Just please, wake up" I started crying. Five people had to hold me back during the burial. I couldn't control. Soon,it was all over.

We went back. My parents tried to talk to me but I was fuming with anger. How dare they talk to me after what the did to my noona.

As soon as we got back. I went straight to my room and sat on the bed. My breathing was uneven because of anger. Just then,I saw a little note Infront of the TV.

I went near it and picked it up. It was a letter from my noona....


Dear Taehyung.
I wish I could've just said a nice goodbye to you. But you probably don't wanna see my face. I'm sorry,I have been a bad sister to you and a bad child to mom and dad. I hope you are not crying. I would've done this thing a long time ago if you didn't love me....but since these teenage years...it seemed like you changed. And when you accused me to f*ck someone so I could get you a birthday gift....my heart broke. I still tried to stay strong but when you slapped me over believing me.....I lost my hope. I just wanna tell you that this was my hard earned money so that you could at least accept it. I could've just left this house instead of committing suicide,but the day you people went to the trip,the bullying got so hard that I couldn't control myself. The while cafeteria was chanting me to die. So that's what I did. Hope you will forgive and forget me. Live a happy life.
Your y/n...
P.S: sorry for entering your room without your permission,or you would've not found this note.

No....no...no no no no....no noona no. I'm sorry. Please come back... I'M SORRY PLEASE COME BACK PLEASE! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU PLEASE"

She suffered so much......

I went downstairs to see Mr and Mrs Kim crying with a letter in their hand. Noona must've written something to them too...

I went outside to see Soo Young with... a boy? What's she doing? She leaned in and kissed him.....I froze on my spot.

When I zoned back in,I didn't waste a second and slapped her. He looked at me scared. The man beside her stepped up"what the hell dude?! Why did you slap her? Are you insane"he yelled. "She's my girlfriend. Who are you?"I yelled back. "What do you mean she's your girlfriend? She has been my girlfriend since a year." What...? "What do you mean? She confessed to me month ago and we are dating." I was so freaking confused.

"What the..... Soo Young,mind to explain" he asked her. She gulped slowly and explained that she played me. THE HECK!!! "Oh....so my sister was right huh,you were a gold digger and s*ut" I said with burning anger.

She started laughing loudly. I was so confused."oh taetae,you are so stupid. She never even talked to me,I played you 2 times" she started laughing while I was controlling my fist.

I lost control and punched her on that sl*tty face. She fell down with a bleeding nose. I kept choking her and punching her until some locals came and separated us. I slapped my noona because of this sl*t? Please forgive your Tae tae,noona.

"I'm gonna kill you!"I yelled. As soon as the locals separated us,she ran away with that pathetic face.

I went back home and went to my noona's room. I saw a cabinet there which was locked. I broke the lock and found a diary. It was her diary...

Mrs. Kim POV:
No....what happened....how did this happen....I never realised that I was doing this to my own daughter....I never acknowledged her...I was crying with my husband when I saw a note. It was halfway under the vase.

I took it and realised that it was a note from my princess..

I opened the note with my husband and my heart dropped in my stomach. It was so emotional.....she had been going through this much....I didn't even know...and her handwriting.... god it was so beautiful. Why didn't I appreciate her? She was the best daughter I could've asked for....why? Why didn't I do it when I had the chance? Why was I so blind to realise?
Dear mom and dad,
I hope you guys are happy now. I fulfilled your wish. I am sorry that I was always a disappointment to you. I tired to be perfect but I always failed. Well,what can we do now? It's probably too late now. I just want you to forgive and forget me. You don't need to remember me now. I know it's difficult but if you think of it as a mistake,like you always did,maybe it'll be easier. I had read a psychological fact that the brain tends to forget horrible memories because it gives pain to a person. Just think of me as a horrible memory and everything will be alright. Please take care of yourself.
These works broke our hearts. I wish I could go back in time to slap myself and give a piece of mind. I lost my precious daughter because I was too blind. I can't live like this..

My husband was also crying his heart out. I saw Taehyung go out with his usual cold expression.

Taehyung POV:
I read her diary......she was going through so much....I never believed her. I believed that Mina.....I let my  'friends' bully her....I slapped her.

Especially her last entry broke my heart.....she used to go to counseling sessions? She worked for 8 months at night just so she could buy me a watch? And I simply accused her of going to the club, shouting at her,telling her not to call me by my nickname....she wrote how hurt she was when that s*ut called me Tae and I harshly told her not call me Tae as we are not children anymore....she felt safe with me that's why she used to come to me... and I used to push her away harshly.

I just want another chance. I even read some of her diary entries when she was a mere 11 year old. She described that mom and dad didn't give her any attention. She was bullied and she was hurt by seeing me stand there and watch her being bullied because of my 'image'. I hate myself....

I wish I gave her a chance to talk....

I'm sorry noona....
End of chapter 9.
Oof,long ass chapter with a lot of drama. So...this is the end. I am thinking of a bonus part if anyone wants and you can ask some questions if you have.
Stay safe stay gold 🙂

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