Challenge Accepted

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        (Zak/Skeppy's P.O.V)

            "OKAY GUYS I HONESTLY DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS VIDEO TURNED INTO... UHM" I laugh at the joke Techno just made. "Hey A6D you should be A-sixtey niner" You could HEAR the wink in his voice. I snort a little it's so much funnier because A6D didn't understand. "JUST LIK AND SUB OR TECHNO WILL EAT YOUR TOES!!!" Right before I stop recording Techno just  said bluntly "I would rather eat burger king foot letuce." We all crack up. "Thanks for filming today guys." I smile. "Yeah of course man."

          I have to send this to my editor and I'm so tired. "Bye guys have fun, see ya A-sixty-niner" I snicker a little. I get off discord and send the video to my editor with specific notes on which parts she can or can't cut out and a general idea of what to do. I click my phone off and just flop on my bed. I get a notification and I open my phone. I grunt as my phone screen practically blinds me. I enter my password to be greeted by my apps, my rainbow background, and a twitter notification. I lower the brightness the time (4:37 a.m) haunts me and taunts me saying "You will never have a sleep routine!"  I really don't care. I check the notification. DrunkBoyHalo must've posted or else I should be REALLY worried about Darryl. I read it over: "Hey guys me and Skeppy are collabing soon and I just wanted to tell you all, K night my Muffins! <3" Yep he was Drunk, that's why that cute, yet sorry excuse for a heart was there. I hear my dog pawing rapidly at my door. I open the door for Rocco, he comes in his tail was waving so fast it could be a weapon. I close my door all the way, I then kneel down and pet him lots, he just cuddles me like I need it, and to be honest I kind of do. People are taking "Skephalo" a little more serious, since me and Bad did that "No One Should Live In A Closet" video, A.K.A, our coming out video. Some people stopped watching me, and I am living off what I have, but, soon, I may have to find a job. I walk to my bed and pat it. "Rocco the rocket dog."  I think as he runs and pounces up on my bed I cuddle him and we both fall asleep.

          I wake up lord knows when from hearing Rocco whine and scratch at the door, I get up my mind switching to auto pilot. I put on a hoodie over my T-Shirt and I throw jeans on over my shorts. I grab my phone and stuff it in my pocket. I open the door of my room and try to keep up with Rocco I put on his "Chest Vest" and leash. I step out into the cold night air. I breathe deep while my dog does his business. I pull out my phone, ready to be blinded, when I remembered I turned the brightness down. I Have 7 texts, "It's only 6:46" I giggle, 14 minutes 'til 7 which is half of 14. I am an idiot! I think as I run my hand through my hair and read the messages all from different people. I read each one slowly they all come from a different number but all say basically the same thing: "I hate you and so many others do, just date BBH" and "You guys flirt, but when we ship you, you get "Uncomfortable"? Lies!"  Stuff like that. One in particular though, catches my attention it reads: "Do a challenge where you and BBH date for a month, people will like you guys again, and if it doesn't work out you can at least say you tried." I nod to my self. I screenshot and send back a simple: "Thanks Take Care <3" I stole the cute little weird heart from BBH. 

          (Time Skip Sorry :( I Still Love You <3) The next day I wake up around 10:30 a.m. I quickly take care of Rocco's needs and then send the screenshot to Darryl and ask his opinion. I am so nervous. I wait 'til 11:11, when I got the thing that showed Darryl was typing. I wasted my wish on him saying yes. He instead just replied: "Idk Skeppy what if we end after the month? People could get more mad then be4" I chewed my lip as I thought of what to say. I began to type when my editor texted that she was almost done editing my last video. I thanked her and hastily sent Darryl: "Pls? We could say it was tried and failed the more reasonable ppl, A.K.A most everyone will be fine. We can do more collabs I'll do whatever just, pls? :P" He replies "Fine Skeppy, whatever." At 11:14, quicker than ever, and I get so excited that I have a party with my dog, and by party I mean celebration cuddles, pets, and scratches. He'd agreed!!! I guess I didn't waste my wish!!!

          Me and Bad start the "Trapping 100 Kids Inside a Heart" It was half diamond block half black concrete, it was made 1 hour prior cause we had to change the theme. Me and Bad were almost finished but before the last challenge, I made the announcement of us doing the challenge  of trying to date for a month. We both, at the same time may I add, finally speak up and say: "Challenge accepted!"

          I do my own editing on the collab with Bad and post it, then I went onto to all media and spread the news, Darryl is doing it too. In the first 10 minutes the phone notifications are enough to drive me insane let alone my computer blowing up too. I call Darryl and talk to him about moving, I was gonna move in anyway, so we compare houses and ultimately decide his is better. I post on all media that the "month" will start at the middle of August when I am moved in. The "month" means 30 days, unless something starts then we don't have to break it off. I don't think anything will start, regardless I will stay with Darryl after this. I better get straight to packing. I can't wait to see him!!!


Took about an hour to make, 1,114 words (1,067 words |not including author  and P.O.V thing notes| to be exact) I post nightly for me maybe daytime for some of you, anyway love y'all stay safe see you at the next chapter!!! <3

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