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"I am so happy that I found them. Now I will also have a family. Yay!" I squealed in happiness. I was currently sitting in the car with Dominic beside me who was driving the car. We were going home after having dinner with my new found family. It was so nice to meet them. They told me a few things about my childhood and how I was really close to Vincent. This thing annoyed Dominic as he is soooo possessive of me. But its okay because he knows that they are my family and won't hurt me. Dominic even allowed me to spend some time with them. But only when he leaves for work. He doesnt want to be away from me as he starts missing me just in a few minutes. His words not mine.

I looked at him for some response at my previous words but he looked straight at the road and drove without a word. Well its not safe to talk while driving but he can atleast say that he is happy for me. Maybe he didn't hear me.

"I said that I am so happy I found them." I said a little louder this time hoping to gain his attention and I know he heard me. But still instead of answering me he chose to keep a straight face and pay attention to the road. What is his problem? Why is he ignoring me?

"Are you ignoring me? Why? What did I do?" I asked him but he still didn't say anything. He looks so mad at me. I am such a fool. He loves me so much and I made him angry. I always pay attention to only my life and my problems. I never bothered to check up on him. I am such an idiot. I am so engrossed in my new life with Dominic that I didn't even realise when he is hurting. I am such a bad girlfriend.

I kept a hand on his arm.

"I am sorry for making you angry. I should have checked up on you. You take so much care of mine but I don't even ask you that how your day went or anything. I am sorry. But I will surely try to be a better girlfriend." I said. Tears were already gathered at the brim of my eyes,ready to fall any instant. I felt guilty of myself.

This time Dominic stopped the car on the road side and turned to look at me. He had a blank expression on his face which made it even harder for me to read his mind.

"I am not mad because of that. You are the best girlfriend one could ever have. But I am mad at you for leaving the mansion without telling me and also for going alone. You lied to the guards and roamed around the city without any security. Dont you know how dangerous it is. There are thousands of my enemies out there who are just waiting for a chance to hurt you because you are the most precious thing I have. Don't you know that you can get harmed. You should have thought about it Emma. I don't want you getting hurt. I wont be able to carry the guilt that I couldn't protect you. I love you and I want you safe."

A smile formed on my face at his words. When did I get so lucky to have him in my life? I was going to thank him for being there in my life but his next words made me gasp in horror.

"But you are gonna get punished, babygirl." He said with a smirk.

"P-Punishment? Why?" I asked. I was scared of punishment. Robert used to punish me whenever I did a mistake like waking up late or the pasta was left half cooked. His punishments were dangerous. He would whip me or didn't give me any food for weeks. I shivered at the thought of getting punished by Dominic.

Tears gathered in my eyes and a lump started to form in my throat. I was petrified by the mere thought of getting punished.

"I...I am S-Sorry. Please don't hurt m-me." I said with a sob escaping my mouth and a lone tear fell down from my eyes.

Dominic looked at me in shock but then guilt covered his eyes.

"No baby I am not going to hurt you. I will never hurt you. You are my angel so why would I hurt you?"
He said with a sad voice.

"But y-you said you will p-punish me." I said. My lips quivered to speak. I was really afraid of him punishing me.

A small smile formed on his lips but his eyes still portrayed the  sadness. His hand came towards my cheek and I flinched closing my eyes thinking that he would slap me. But the pain never came. I felt his soft hand caress my cheeks. I opened my eyes to look at him.

"You thought I would hurt you?" He asked me.

I nodded meakily.

"Oh angel! I would never do that. I am telling this again,baby. And the punishment...well its not something that will hurt you. Okay it will a little but thats not something that will give you pain. I was just teasing you." He explained. Relief washed over me at his kind words.  I am so stupid to think that he will hurt me. He is not like Robert or Aiden. He is Dominic. My Dominic.

I smiled and held his hand in mine. I love how my small hands fit in his big ones perfectly.

"I am sorry for feeling that way. I don't have a good experience about punishment so I just......" I trailed off not knowing what to say or how to say. I had a bad and pained past and as much as I tried  to forget it I know it will always be there. In the back of my mind or somewhere deeper in my heart. But it will be present with me till my last breath.

"Its okay,love. I can understand." Dominic again managed to comfort me in some way.

After that we drove silently to our home.

We reached there and I saw that the previous guard who let me out was not there and only his other partner was present at the gate. Where did he go? They don't leave this place. They live here. But now where is he?

"He is taken to the basement."
Dominic's voice brought me back to the present.

"Basement?" I frowned. Why did he go to the basement?

"He let you out of this house. He risked your life. His job is to guard you and not let you go out alone. But he failed. You could easily manipulate him from his job. If you can do it, anybody can do it. So he is been taken care of."

I gasped. He was getting punished for falling for my acting trap? Thats not right at all.

"But thats not right. I tricked him." I reasoned Dominic. He shook his head at me.

"He cant get tricked so easily. That will risk your security. What if some dangerous killer gets in by tricking him?" He was right. But I know the basement is a Dangerous place. He will be suffering so much and that too because of me.

"This is all because of me. I should get punished not him." I said with a whisper.

"I can't do that. You are not at fault." He said looking straight. His hand gripped the steering wheel tightly.

"But I want to get punished. I can't live with this guilt. Punish me Dominic."

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