Part 3: The Seperation

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Ken and Myoko were walking to school together. They got to school and Myoko kissed Ken on the cheek. When Ken went into the classroom the teacher had an announcement. "Okay class. As you all know our school has a variety of extra activities to do. We have sports, clubs, and the student council. Today I want you to check out some of the extra activities and see if your interested in any." Everybody began talking to their friends about things they were gonna try. "You will have next period free to decide and look around." The teacher said. Next period came and Ken went looking around. "Man, nothing seems interesting. I could join the anime club, or I could do some sports, but I'm not smart enough for the student council." He thought. Suddenly Myoko came up to him. "Hey Ken, have you thought about what you're going to do?" She asked him. "No, what are you doing?" He asked her. "I'm gonna join the student council!" She said. "Well you do have the grades for it, I was thinking about doing some sports." He said. "Well good luck!" She said as she went away. "I'm gonna try the food club." Ken said. As he was walking into the food club he saw something. "YOU IDIOT YOUR GONNA BURN DOWN THE WHOLE SCHOOL!" The instructor of the food club said. There was a massive fire and kids were trying to put it out. The smoke detectors were having a metaphorical seizure and the fire was getting huge. Finally the kids out the fire out. "Hey, I'm here to join the food club." Ken said. "Oh, I hope you can actually keep an eye on your food." The instructor said. Ken filled out the application form. The instructor handed him an apron. "Okay, today we are gonna try to make something simple. Make anything you want, and if I like it you will be allowed to join!" The instructor said. "The ingredients are in the fridge." The instructor said. They began cooking.

A few minutes later

"TIMES UP!" Said the instructor. She ate everybody's food and all but 2 kids were allowed to join. The two kids either burnt their food, or it was really gross. The period was over. "Okay, instead of study hall you will now have this for that class." The instructor said as everybody was leaving. The day went by normally and Ken and Myoko were leaving. "Did you end up joining the student council?" Ken asked Myoko. "Yeah, what club did you choose?" Myoko asked. "I joined the food club, I went in there and there was a huge fire though." Ken said as he explained what happened. They finally got home, hugged, and Ken went inside. "Man, that cooking made we really hungry." Ken said.

The Next Day

Myoko and Ken were walking to school. "Oh hey Myoko!" Said a boy walking over to them. "Oh, hey Ren..." Myoko said in a embarrassed voice. "Who's your friend?" The boy named Ren said. "He's my boyfriend." She said. "Oh I didn't know you had a boyfriend." Ren said. "His name is Ken Najima." She said. "Nice to meet you Ken." He said. He whispered into Ken's ear. "Your a really lucky guy". "Uh, thanks?" Ken said back. Myoko and Ken kept walking to school as Myoko and Ren were talking. Ken kinda felt jealous though. They got to school finally and they went to class. Class went on as usual.


Ken was eating lunch but for some reason Myoko wasn't showing up. He texted her and she responded. "Oh I'm eating lunch with the student council today." Ken thought it was kinda weird but he kept eating.

After School

Ken was walking home with Myoko. For whatever she was silent today. "Hey, you've been acting pretty strange today. Is there something wrong?" Ken said. "No, it's fine." Myoko said. They got home and hugged. Ken went inside and thought about why Myoko was acting strange.

The Next Day

Ken was walking to school alone today. For some reason Myoko wasn't showing up. He texted her. Myoko texted back. "I'm not really feeling well today, I'm gonna stay home." She said. Ken thought it was pretty weird but just ignored it. He got to school and Ren ran up to him. "Hey have you seen Myoko?" He asked Ken. "She isn't coming today, she said she was sick." He said. "Oh, alright." Ren said as he went to class.

5th Period (Food Club)

Ken was cooking food for the assignment on the board when a girl came up to him. They talked for a bit and they actually had a lot in common. They exchanged chat ID's and continued cooking.

After School

Ken got home and started to think about how Myoko was acting. Suddenly his phone rang. Myoko was calling him. He picked up. "Oh hey Myoko." He said. "Hey, sorry I wasn't at school today." She said. "Oh it's fine." He said. They talked on the phone a bit and eventually they hung up.

The Next Day

Ken was walking to school with Myoko when suddenly he got a text from the girl from his food club. He texted the girl that he couldn't talk right now and he put his phone away. Myoko thought why Ken was talking to another girl and kinda got jealous. They got to school and went to class.

After School

Ken and Myoko got to their houses and went to hug. Suddenly they both stopped in mid air. "What's happening?" Myoko said. "I have no idea!" Ken said. They couldn't touch each other. Suddenly it felt like their life had took a wrong turn for the worst.

To Be Continued...

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