Part 2: The Romance Blossoms

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The next day at school nothing was different, except Ken and Myoko were really awkward around each other. They still ate lunch together, but we're mostly silent to each other. After school ended they walked home together. Suddenly Myoko grabbed Ken's hand. He held hers and they continued walking.

The Next Day

Ken woke up and noticed it was Sunday. "Thank god we have no school today." He thought. We went into the living room and ate breakfast. He was chilling in his room reading Manga until he heard a knock on his door. He got up and opened the door. "Oh, hey Myoko." He said. "Hey Ken. I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach with me next week." She said as her face got red. "Yeah sure. It will be our first date." He said. They discussed the details for the date. "Oh yeah, I never got your chat ID." Myoko said. "Oh yeah, here." Ken said as he pulled his phone out. They exchanged chat ID's and Myoko left. "Finally, now we can talk outside of school and not in each other's yard." He thought. "Ooooo, who's your little lady friend?" Ken's mom said. "Actually she's my girlfriend, we've been dating for 2 days now." Ken said. "Wow, your first girlfriend. And I thought you were gonna be single your whole life." She said. "Mom!" He said. "I'm just kidding." She said. Ken went in his room and continued reading his manga.

The Next Day

Ken was walking to school when suddenly he heard something running up to him. "Why... don't... you... ever... wait... for... ME!" Myoko said in a kinda irritated voice. "Oh, you never said you wanted to walk to school together, but I'm okay with it, just don't get up late." Ken said. "Well that's gonna be an issue..." Myoko said. "Oh great..." Ken said as he took a long sigh. They were walking to school together while holding hands and they finally got to school. "See ya at lunch!" Myoko said as she ran to her class. Ken got to class and was late. "Ken Najima. If you're gonna be late everyday you might as well not be here." The teacher said. Everybody looked at Ken and started laughing. "All right class let's begin." The teacher said as class started.


Ken and Myoko were eating lunch together as usual, when Myoko asked Ken something. "Hey... Have you ever had a girlfriend before me?" She said. Suddenly Ken felt embarrassed. "Well, no. Your the first person I've ever been with. What about you?" Ken said. "It's the same situation for me." Myoko said. "Well there's a first for everything then." Ken said as they kept eating and chatting.


It was finally the day. Ken got ready for their beach date. "Oooo, where are you going?" His mom asked. "Me and Myoko were gonna go to the beach." He said. "Oh thank god, your final my getting out of the house!" Ken's mom said. Ken let out a huge sigh and continued getting ready. After he got ready he texted Myoko and asked if she was already there. She said she was and Ken got in his car. He drove to the Beach and saw Myoko in the parking lot. "Hey Myoko!" He said after he got out of his car. "Hey Ken!" She said. They were swimming when suddenly Myoko splashed Ken. Ken splashed her back. Suddenly it became a whole splash war until they stopped because they were tired. "Wanna get something to eat?" Myoko asked. "Yeah sure." Ken said. They went over to a local restaurant and ate. The went back to the beach and kept swimming. They were swimming together when suddenly Myoko gasped. "I think I lost my anklet!" She said. "Hold on I'll look for it." Ken said. He went under water and kept looking but couldn't find it. Suddenly he got pretty far out and found it!" He swam back over to the shore and gave it to Myoko. "Thank you so much! I've had this for so long I just don't wanna lose it." Myoko said as she hugged him. "Yeah, it's no problem." Ken said as Myoko stopped hugging him. After a while it was getting dark so they hugged and both went home. Ken got back to his house and went into the kitchen. "I haven't eaten since we went to that restaurant, I'm starving." He said. "Did you have fun?" His mom asked. "Yeah, I did." Ken said as he made some instant ramen. He later went to bed thinking about his first date with Myoko.

The Next Day

Ken and Myoko were walking home from school when suddenly somebody stopped them. "Hey girl, how about you come with me?" The man said. "Hey buddy screw off." Ken said. "What'd you say little punk?" The man said. Suddenly the man punched Ken in the face. "Now, what do you say?" The man said. "Get away from her!" Ken said as he got up. He punched the man in the face. "YOU LITTLE PUNK!" The man said as he punched Ken multiple times in various spots. Suddenly the man grabbed Myoko and started to try and undress her. "STOP STRUGGLING!" He said. Myoko was hitting and kicking him multiple times but he wouldn't stop. "GET OFF OF HER!" Ken said. Ken punched the man in the face and it turned into a full fist fight. "MYOKO GO!" Ken said. Myoko ran away to get help. Ken and the man kept fighting. The man suddenly pulled a switchblade out of his pocket. "TAKE THIS YOU LITTLE PUNK!" He said. Suddenly the man's arm was grabbed. Myoko has gotten a police officer and he had handcuffed the man. "Are you okay?" Ken asked Myoko. Myoko then hugged Ken. "Thank god you were there. I wouldn't have been able to do anything if you weren't." Myoko said. She then kissed him. Ken didn't know what to do in this situation. He just kissed her back. The kiss broke and they continued going home. He dropped Myoko at her house and he walked in his. "Oh my god honey are you alright!" Ken's mom said. "Yeah, I'll tell you what happened later, just please get me some ice." Ken said.

To Be Continued...

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