💔 2. Heartbreak 💔

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Ship: Lia x Jake

Type: Fluff


Jake was leaning against a metal locker balling his eyes out. He just got rejected by Daisy, and was crushed. It was after school so no one was around to see him get rejected nor see him cry.

Or so he thought.... meanwhile Lia was in a nearby hallway waiting for Zoey to get out of detention.

"Ugh finally! What took so long?" Lia asked. Zoey just rolled her eyes. "Miss Willow thought it would be a good idea to lecture me on the importance of feelings or whatever..." she grumbled.

"I just don't understand why she didn't-" before Zoey could say anymore Lia covered Zoey's mouth with her hand. "Shhhh.... look its Jake. He's upset..." She said with a frown as she peaked around the corner.

Zoey rolled her eyes. "Go talk to him, you can comfort him and get closer to him."

Lia smiled. "That's a great idea! Thanks Zoey." She then rushed over to Jake. "Jake are you okay!!" She yelled with worry in her voice. Jake looked up startled to see she was there.

But instead of saying anything he just shook his head and looked back down at the floor. Lia sat next to him. "What's wrong Jake? I know we may not be the best of friends but I care for you I really do...."

Jake felt blush appear on his cheeks as his heartbeat got faster. He looked up at her. "Thanks Lia....I really appreciate you trying to comfort me...." he sighed. "I guess I should tell what happened now shouldn't I?" He joked.

Lia was calm, cool, and smiling on the outside, but on the inside she was jumping with joy. Not only did Jake make a joke with her, but he also was blushing at what she had said! Maybe there is hope for her after all?!

He looked back down at the floor. "I confessed to Daisy..." Lia frowned. "She... rejected you...." she said slowly. He nodded, still looking at the floor. "Oh Jake!" She shouted as she pulled him in for a hug.

She patted his back. "Just let it all out Jake.... it will make you feel better." And that's exactly what he did.


Neither knew how long they were sitting there for, and neither knew how much longer they would be sitting there for. But when Jake finally stopped crying he looked up at Lia.

He didn't know why but he had the sudden urge to kiss her. His eyes slowly went to her lips, as he closed his eyes and leaned in.

Lia however wasn't paying attention to this she was in her own little world thinking about how Jake had finally opened up to her.

So when she felt soft lips on her own she was shocked. Her eyes immediately went to Jake's and was surprised to see them closed. That was when she realized who was kissing her.

She then closed her own eyes. And started to kiss back. She honestly never thought he would actually be interested in her. But clearly she had been wrong.

When they pulled away they both smiled softly at each other. "What does mean for us...?" She asked him. "I dont know what do you want it to mean?"

"Maybe we should on a date first?" He just smile and nodded. "Netflix and a movie night?" She cuddled into his chest. "Netflix and a movie night..."


I don't actually ship this, I just woke up one day and thought 'Hey that would make a good one-shot!'

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