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In almost all my books, I write in a different style. In this one, when a paragraph ends, its a new setting or just a time skip. Just like how people write actual chapter books. I will mention football. So I know in different countries or whatever, they call football different names, so I'll go ahead and show you guys what I'm talking about:

 So I know in different countries or whatever, they call football different names, so I'll go ahead and show you guys what I'm talking about:

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I think it's cool. Tell me what you call football :)


Third Persons POV

"Last but not least, Mr. Lopez and Mr. Austin. And that's all the partners. You will not be working on the project here, so you and your partner will have to find your own time. The reports are due in a week, so you have to work together and agree with someth-" The teacher was interrupted by the bell ringing. "And don't forget to do your homework tonight!" The teacher called out before everyone left. Everyone walked to their lockers, getting everything for their next class. "Sup, Nick," Someone says. Nick looks to his side and see's Tony Lopez. Nick is one of those shy kids, has friends just really sweet and shy. Tony is a popular kid. Unlike most of the popular kids, he's very sweet, nice to everyone. And bisexual. But no one knows besides his brother. "Hi," Nick says quietly. "Wanna come to my house after school?" Tony asks leaning against the lockers. "What for?" Nick asks slightly looking at him. "The report. We're partners" Tony says. Nick looks down shyly. "Uhm, yeah. I forgot. Sorry" He says shutting his locker door. "Sweet. No need to apologize. Meet me at the front, outside after school. I'll drive you. See ya in gym!" Tony yells running off and waving at Nick, who smiled slightly and nodded his head. "See you..."

"We are playing tag football today! I will give you a number! Whatever number you are, is what team you are on! Understand!?" The coach yells. Everyone nods. He went through everyone, giving them a number, either one or two. Nick was terrified. He does not do sports. Especially not football. He was even more scared because Tony was on the opposite team, and he's good at football. He's good at everything. But Tony doesn't play football. He does dance, his one and only love. "Get in your positions!" The coach tells everyone.

The ball was thrown to Nick. He put his hands up but missed. "Austin! Catch the ball!" Coach yells throwing his hands up. Nick looks down and nods. "Keep an eye on the ball, and move with it" Tony whispers to Nick while walking pass him. Nick nodded his head. "Try again!" Everyone got back in their positions. The ball was thrown to Nick again. He listened to what Tony said and moved with it. He put his hands up and caught it. "Good catch, Austin!" Coach yells clapping his hands. Nick looked at Tony. Tony winked, Nick looked down but smiled slightly. "Okay! Let's do that again, but Austin, try running!" Nick nodded his head and got back where he was, along with everyone else. The ball was thrown, he did the same thing. He caught the ball, but as soon as he did, someone pulled his flag. The flag didn't come off, which caused Nick to fall back onto the ground. The whistle was blown and everyone stopped. Tony jogged over to Nick and put his hand out. Nick looked at Tony for a second before accepting his help. Tony pulled Nick up and put a hand on his shoulder. "You alright?" He asked Nick. Nick brushed himself off and looked at Tony, nodding his head. Tony smiled and punched his shoulder playfully. "Good try though"

After gym was lunch. Nick was going to sit with his usual friends, but guess someone had other plans for him. "Nick! Over here!"Tony yelled waving him over. Nick turned around and looked at him. He shook his head. Tony frowned but waved him over again. Nick looked down and slowly walked over. "Sit" Tony says patting the seat beside him. Nick looked at everyone at the table and slowly sat down. Everyone there was popular. "I-i'm not friends with any of them..." Nick whispered to Tony. "It's okay. You're with me" Tony whispers back. Nick looks down. "What's he doing here?" One of them asked. Nick knew who it was. Conner. "Chill. Let him" Tony says defensively. "Just so you can be with your 'boyfriend'?" Another one laughed. Michael. "I said, let him. I'm the leader of the school's dance team. I can easily get you guys kicked off" Tony says smiling. "Whatever" They say both rolling their eyes.

"So, Nick. Why are you all the sudden hanging out with the popular people?" Emily asked. Emily is Nick's best friend. She's popular, but not that type of popular. She's also a nice popular kid. She's also one of the captains for the soccer team. "I didn't really want to. But Tony did for some reason" Nick says as they walk out the building. "Sup guys! So, what's going on with you and Tony, Nick?" Jackson asked. Jackson is Nick's other best friend. He's not popular. He's like Nick, just a regular student. Not popular, but not one of those weird kids that nobody talks to. Ya know? "Nothing. We got assigned as partners for Mr. Goins class report. Now he's talking to me" Nick says. "Mhm. So, Emily. Did Conner ask you out yet?" Jackson asks. Nick and him look at her. Yes, Conner from lunch. Conner and Emily have been talking. Emily has had a crush on Conner for over a year, like most of the girls. Conner doesn't like Emily, he doesn't want to date her, he wants to play her. Mess with her a little bit. Get with her to see if he can use her for sex. Emily is one of the prettiest and hottest girls in school. She thinks Conner likes her. "Actually. Yes. Yes he did. He did in history" She says happily. Tony honks his horn, dragging all of them out of their conversation. "Nick! Come on!" He yells. Jackson and Emily smirk at Nick. "Well. Uhm, bye guys" Nick says walking over to Tony's car. They wave bye before walking off.

Nick and Tony sit in silence for a while before Tony finally decides to speak up. "So. How's the weather?" He asks sarcastically. Nick laughed. "Pretty good" He says sarcastically back, going along with it. Tony laughed as well.


Chapter 1. I hope u guys like it so far!💛

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