My Jadam Children's Info

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(smol note: the backstories are kind of like a mini stories?)

Robert Jaiden Rallison-Ortiz

Age: 10
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: November 16, 2009
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
-Loves: drawing, hoodies, flower crowns, cookies, watching his dads animate, playing on Switch w/ dads, music
-Dislikes: choccy milk, bullies, homophobics, arguing, biological parents,
-Personality: kind, soft, nonchalant, sweet, fragile, shy, caring, intelligent
-Treats Jaiden as if she were his mother
-Has clastophobia
-Allergic to cats


When Robert was only 5, he was already forced to clean up the house, get his parents' grocercies for them. Despite him doing practically everything for them, his biological parents never fed him. If he was lucky, Robert would be given chocolate milk. Not for him to enjoy, but because it was the only liquid they had. Which is exactly why he never trys to get close to the drink, but is challenging, considering all his other siblings love it. One day, Robert was told to pack up all of his belonging. He had soon discovered his mom, dad, older sister, and younger sister would be moving to LA. On the drive to the destination, Robert had then realized they had stopped at an adoption centre. The second Robert was dropped off, his former family had left him. He wasn't too surprised, considering his siblings had been terrified of him since he had been growing a single horn out the left of his skull. Not to mention the growing tail sprouting from his rear end. A few days had passed ever since that day. Robert was partially sad, despite them not caring for him at all. But, everything changed as soon as two men walked in. As soon as said men had entered, Robert suddenly lit up. After the black and blonde haired boys  took a look around, they had eventually found Robert, who used to be known as Daniel. The black haired man had noticed him as they went by. Said man had walked to the blonde and whispered something inaudible to him. The blonde nodded walking to the counter. While he, the blonde who was known as James, was having a conversation with the lady at the counter. James had suddenly pointed at Robert just for a moment. After said conversation had ended, the lady at the counter had turned to Robert's direction at beckoned her finger, wanting him to come to her. Robert then jumped off of his dull bed and walked to said lady, containing his excitement. The lady kneeled down to him said what he had hopped. Robert was officially adopted. He had ran to his former bed, quickly dropping to the floor to grab all his belongings. As Robert looked back, the two boys had their arms open, waiting for a hug. He then got up and swiftly ran back to the counter. Only this time, he ran to the two men, hugging them both as hard as he could. Said boys then turned to the counter, both signning the adoption papers. Robert knew he wouldn't regret that strong and loving hug.

Autumn Rallison-Ortiz

Age: 10
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Birthday: June 7, 2010
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
-Loves: making flower crowns, drawing, math, playing Tetris, Robert, James, Adam and Jaiden, choccy milk,
-Dislike: heights, biological parents, homophobics, snakes
-Personality: sweet, energetic, loyal, adventurous, delightful, clumsy, curious
-Attention span basically nonexistent


Back when Autumn was just an infant, her biological parents were grateful for her existence. A few months later, her dad was furious with her mom. At 6 months of age, Autumn had started to grow some horns along with her hair. Her former dad was so confused to why his child had fully grown horns. One night, her father had snuck out of the house, bringing Autumn with him. He had drove to an unknown area. After about 15 minutes, she was given into different hands. She saw in the distance how her past father was walking away slowing, never looking back. He had dropped her off in an adoption centre. Years prior, Autumn had been disowned by her former dad. Before she knew it, Autumn was being adopted. Said child had only been 4 when this event happened, she was estatic, since she had been adopted. Little did she know her new parents weren't so kind. Her mom and dad never cared for her. Not even for a second. They would always make her wash the dishes, prepare their meals, and several other things you wouldn't do as a 4 year old. Whenever she decided to rebel, Autumn would be locked a coat closet for the rest if the time until the next meal. Of course, her parents being the careless parents they are, never celebrated her birthday once. She'd have to deal with this for 2 years. After a while, her parents had enough of her and once again, she ended up back in an adoption centre. A few weeks were spent in said adoption centre. There had been a ding from the door, signaling people had arrived. Those people were two men and a male child. Everytime someone had walked in, they never picked her, meaning she never looked once at the three. Her then noticed the boy had tapped her on the shoulder and waved. Of course, she had waved back. As she turns, her back facing the boy, said boy runs to the men. He pulled on the bottom of the mens' shirt, getting their attention. The brown-haired child points at Autumn, without her knowing. The blonde and black haired men nod their heads, turning to the counter. A few minutes pass, Autumn having her attention elsewhere. She felt as if someone tapped her on the shoulder. As she turns her head, the three brings her attention. She looks at them with a confused face. The blonde and black haired men had their hands out, signaling a hug. The child looked at the lady at the counter as she nodded her head. Autumn facial expression had quickly changed to complete happiness as she leaped into their arms.

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