A new Lantern in town

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It's been over a month since Jennifer was given the blue lantern ring, and so far no one knows it's her. She doesn't know about Marcas as well, during the entire month Marcas and Jennifer have been making up excuses so they could go save the day.

Earth's Atmosphere

Hal and Jessica are now training somewhere in the Earth's atmosphere.

Hal: This is it! I got you pinned inside the tent, staring at an all-out blitz.

Jessica: Wait. What? What does that mean?

She got her answer when Hal creates a staff and uses it to charge at her. She creates her own and blocks Hal's attacks, but they were interrupted by an alien from the Green Lantern Corp.

Kilowog: No, no, no.

They both stopped fighting and flew to him, he's on an asteroid.

Kilowog: I don't get it, Cruz, what's the plan here? Hope the pizza guy happens by and distracts him?

Hal: Eh, could be a good strategy, actually.

Kilowog: Quiet, Jordan! If you were fightin' anyone other than this poozer, you'd be in the infirmary right now.

Hal: I told you, Kilowog, Jess doesn't fight.

Kilowog: In the Green Latern Corps, everyone fights.

He then makes a hammer, Jessica creates a shield to defend herself from Kilowog's attacks. He continued his attack until her shield broke, she was then pushed to the edge of the asteroid. Kilowog was about to finish her off but Jessica creates an octopus and it raps itself around Kilowog's face. When he removes the octopus, Jessica creates a rug underneath him and pulls it under his feet and he fell.

Jessica: I just believe that when it comes to fighting, there's always another way.

Kilowog: You got lucky. But there's something I have to tell you two, it's from headquarters. There's been a sighting of a Klyntar near Earth, as well as a new blue lantern warrior. If you two have seen any of them you have to call me l, understand.

Hal: What's a Klyntar?

Kilowog: They are parasitic aliens from another galaxy, they latch onto other creates to use as weapons or to survive. The one that's been spotted near here is one of the most deadliest one of them all.

Jessica: What's it's name?

Kilowog: It's name is Carnage. Now have you two seen it?

Hal/Jessica: No.

Kilowog: Good, now leave.

The two leave and head back to Earth, and went straight for Metropolis high school, where there will be a football game. They both de-transform and walk onto the field.

Hal: Man, this Carnage thing sounds pretty tough, you might have to actually fight it one day Jess.

Jessica: Oh, Hal, must you be so wrong about so many things? And besides, you didn't tell him about the blue lantern.

Marcas: Didn't tell who about the blue lantern?

Jessica: Marcas, what are you doing here?

Hal: Who are you?

Marcas: Hi, my names Marcas Pierce, what's your name?

Hal: The great and awesome, Hal Jordan, I know it's an honor to meet me as well.

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