Day 7

15 4 3

I have been out of my house for about 8 hours... I really don't like leaving my house. I have all i could want there, Food, Tv, Games, Internet and they're all FREE.. Why leave?

It's not like i'm anti-social, i love meeting new people but i prefer solitude alot more. Some might say my qualities don't go together, but I like myself so i really don't care what others have to say.

I've gained alot of respect for my "don't care" attitude, persons like the fact that i stand for what i believe in and i'm not easily influenced.

I'm the kind of person that just let things be, i don't take it on. If someone says something about me that i know isn't true i just brush it off because i know the facts. Sometimes i question if that's a good thing or bad thing, but then again i don't care................ I think that's my response to ALOT of things.


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